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Seeking Partners - seeking french partner........ - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: seeking french partner........

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# Message Posted By
seeking french partner........
Hi, I`m Richy, a Nigerian looking for partners to teach me French, spanish or swedish and exchange emails with. I`m willing to teach English and Yoruba too in exchange.

Language pair: English; Yoruba

February 15, 2008

Re:seeking french partner........
Ku Aro Ore mi??Se alafia ni???
My name is Ivan da Silva Poli ( and my djina is OmodelOsun ) and even if I dont have the black skin of my ancestors from Oyo as my cousins have I really apreciate the Yoruba Culture... I have in my ancestors Oyo Mesi and Alapinis... and even if I am a little bit of each world religion I really have a special Love by my Oni Ori that is my mother Osun . I am developping a work about Orikis in University of São Paulo and I really want improve my poor Yoruba and in change I can really help you with french ( I worked by 9 years in a french company and went to France several times) , Italian, spanish and portuguese.I am very proud about my ancestors from Oyo and I really would like to know Osogbo and the Ataoja as the Osun Grove ... Emi maa ki Osun Osogbo Iya mi...If you can help me with my poor yoruba I can help you with these other languages...
All the best
Iwo maa ni Ore mi...
Ife Ore mi.
Ivan da Silva Poli

Language pair: English; Yoruba
This is a reply to message # 127080
da Silva

March 8, 2009


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