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Study Abroad - I would love to learn Polish! - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: I would love to learn Polish!

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I would love to learn Polish!
Czesc! I live in the United States, and speak English and Spanish fluently. I would be willing to teach the both languages to whomever interested, and in return would love to learn Polish. Please help me!! Either someone can do a forgein exchange in America or I can go to Poland!

Language pair: English; Polish
December 1, 2003

Re:I would love to learn Polish!
Hey! Maybe I could help you :-)I live in Poland and I'd love to help somebody with Polish.So I you want just tell me. I want to practise my English, so I could be an exchange.

Language pair: English; Polish
This is a reply to message # 22481
April 4, 2004

Re:I would love to learn Polish!
Hi, my name is Pawel.
I'm Polish. Maybe I can help you. I would like to learn English.
I'm waiting for contact from you.

Language pair: English; Polish
This is a reply to message # 22481
April 17, 2004

Re:Re:I would love to learn Polish!
Czeœæ! I would like some help with polish, in exchange I could help you with angielsku. I have only learnt polsku for the last miesiaæ so would love some help.
Ps. Im not a goldmember so please contact me.

Language pair: English; Polish
This is a reply to message # 28602
June 8, 2007

Re:Re:Re:I would love to learn Polish!
so do I, if u wanna use me ill be glad to help u with polish ;)
check msn im yourvasina there

Language pair: English; Polish
This is a reply to message # 111296
June 19, 2007


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