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Jokes - NEW MEMBER - Language Exchange

Category: Jokes
Discussion: NEW MEMBER

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hey people of all around the world well. My name is Rothany Pronounced RICHANY. I am a new member that just sign up today and i would like help in japanese and cambodian. I am taking a japanese class but I dont really understand it as much. I am Cambodian but i only speak a little of it i hope that someone can teach me more about both languages Cambodian and Japanese. I am really fluent with english so if anybody need someone to help you with english I can.

Contact me If you need help

Language pair: Cambodian (Khmer); English
March 3, 2007

Hi, Richani, my name is William, but khmer friends call me kdaam (crab), I can help you with your khmer. I am a fluent speaker, but khmer is not my native language. I have studied the khmer language for over 16 years (since I was 12). I am now married and have 2 children with my khmer wife. My children do not speak much khmer, but my oldest does understand a lot. Contact me if you are still interested in learning to speak khmer

Language pair: Cambodian (Khmer); English
This is a reply to message # 103486

April 10, 2007


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