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Language > Japanese
Category > Vacations/Travels

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From Finland to Japan
Hello everyone!
We are two finnish trying to learn japanese and find japanese friends. Our dream is to travel to Japan and it would be nice to have friends and know some language before that.

If you are travelling to Finland, we could
show you different places in Finland!

We are interested to meet japanese who live in
Japan or who live in Finland.

We would love to teach you finnish, and hear something
about Japan and japanese culture.
Could you teach us japanese?

With best regards and hoping
to hear about you soon!

Ina & Jaakko
from Finland

(ps. we are not gold members,
so please contact us)

Language pair: Japanese; English
October 29, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 21, 2006
im looking for someone whose mother language is english or italian
hi!! im just new here. just found this as interesting thing.
i want to travel all world, next year ill travel all europe
at leaast italyy. if u r interested in japan , i can tell u many things of japan , esp im in tokyo now..
lets enjoy exchange mails with me . but im not member here ,
so pls contact me !!

Language pair: English; Japanese
yuki j.
September 22, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Going to Japan

My Advice: get a guide book. PLan all the things you wantto see. Check the wb for some free guide pages, get all the information ahead of time. get a JR PAss for as many days as you can afford. Withthis you can use all of the Japan Railway Trains as much as you want, including the shinkansen. It is possible to take 500km day trips from Osaka and see most of the main part of Honshu, including Tokyo.

For places to stay, it depnds how long you will stay in Japan. Only going to stay a month or less? You could think about a guesthouse, or even some homestays. Check some other sites and leave some messages about homestay or short stay apartments. For one month in a guesthouse in Tokyo you could find it for about 70,000 yen. Seems expensive but so convenient. And you would meet other people.

Try to make some friends here. You can meet all kinds of young Japanese. they will be very helpful and kind and friendly. It is the best way to see the things that usual visitors dont see.

Also, if you have a drivers license, get an international drivers license, especially for a bike if you have one. Its crazy to ride a bike inthe city because the laws are so different, but its also a ton of fun, and once you get out into the country, its a blast. fi you do plan to ride, all the expressways are toll expressways, so its costly. the alternative is to take the local roads, but the speed limit is 30mph and they are always crowded. plan to use the train and bus if necessary, and only rent when you are expecting to go somewhere off thebeaten path or some fantastic roads in Gunma, Tochigi, Nagano, etc.

Good luck.

Language pair: English; Japanese
Okanagan V.
February 22, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Turista a Venezia
Buongiorno a tutte. We are 2 Italian Singles Friend living near Venezia. We love averithing about Japon. We would meet 2 Japonese girls, We can offer accomodation, and food for a week if you decide to come for a trip. So write us!
Roberto e Sergio.

Language pair: Italian; Japanese
Roberto P.
October 14, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'd like to learn a little Italian before I visit there.
ciao, i would be glad to help you getting informations about italy and also introducing you to the italian language

Language pair: Japanese; Italian
April 6, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 6, 2004
Spanish looking for english or japanese language exchange
Hi,I m a 27 years old spanish boy.I m interested in learn english or japanese with people interested in learn spanish.
Also I m looking for people that live or has visited in Kyoto,because I m interested in travel to.

Language pair: English; Japanese
October 12, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Going to Rome in August
Myself (a native English speaker) and my friend (Japanese) are heading to Rome in August for a holiday. Want to make friends with someone before we go with the possibility of meeting up once we are there. We cannot speak Italian but would love to learn but we can speak either English or Japanese. We are 24 and 25 years old respectively.

Language pair: English; Japanese
May 27, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'd like to learn a little Italian before I visit there.
I was very happy to help you if you could contact me. (I'm not a gold member). I live in Padua (40 Km from Venice).
I hope to chat soon with you.

Language pair: Japanese; Italian
October 23, 2002

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 6, 2004
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