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Language > Indonesian (Bahasa)
Category > Slang/Expressions

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I want to learn Indonesian
I would really love to learn indonesian so if someone could please teach me then i would love to teach you english

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)
Michelle M.
May 22, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 29, 2007
Re:Re:Someone to speak Indonesian?
hi sweety fruity! so can you teach me something if i give you my mail? but i don't know how cause i cannot give it here!

Language pair: French; Indonesian (Bahasa)
Lutrinaë L.
May 4, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 4, 2007
Someone to speak Indonesian?
Hi! I'm looking for someone who can teach me bahasa indonesia, I speak french (my native language) and english but not that well^^

Language pair: French; Indonesian (Bahasa)
Lutrinaë L.
April 17, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 4, 2007
Re:want to learn BAHASA INDONESIA? i'll teach you!
I(Icq/nr) would like to help you with the words in (373-) german. And i (591-) hope you can practise with me (464) my Bahasa Indonesia. (Msn) hope to hear from you SatinRubia at (msn) .com

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); German
March 17, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2007
Re:want to learn BAHASA INDONESIA? i'll teach you!
If you are still interested in learnig german i would like to teach you and i want to learn a lot about Bahasa Indonesia and the country too. Just search me on msn or skype my name is SatinRubia i hope you find it! some facts about me i'm from germany and i am a 20 years old girl.

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); German
March 17, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2007
want to learn BAHASA INDONESIA? i'll teach you!
i'm indonesian. i want to learn deutsch. anyone wanna help? i'll teach you bahasa indonesia!

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); German
loretta o.
March 3, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2007
Want to help
If anybody want help in learning Bahasa Indoensia, I think I can help. I also can help you if you work in Inddonesia and desperately need Indonesian Lesson, I think I am the correct person to ask for help. Thanks

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); Indonesian (Bahasa)
Aditya F.
November 16, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:carpe diem
It means "enjoy the moment" in latin, it comes from a movement in literature (1880s aprox).The phrase became popular after it appeared in the film "The dead poets' society"(I think was the name).
You don't normaly use this expression.you might hear it as a kind of suggestion: when sb worries too much about sth, you might say, almost as a joke "carpe diem", at least here in Argentina!
ok, hope it helps! Bye!

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); English
american version
September 17, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 17, 2004
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