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Re:Something to think about.
These things can be decided by a simple
agreement. If we cannot tell for sure that
the letters C, A, and T stand for the
sound of "cat", we can always declare
that from now on they will stand for "cat".

Most of the time ortography develops
all by itself, without anybody paying
too much attention to its details, but
if the correspondence between written
and spoken words becomes too complicated,
quite soon there will be a committee who
creates a better ortography and declares
that "this is how we will write from
now on".

Korean language got a completely new
alphabet a few centuries ago. Irish
ortography has been renewed, and a few
years ago there was some fine-tuning
done with German, too. There has been
some discussion about renewing English,
too, but English is so widespread that
changing it globally would be a very
difficult task.

My mother tongue is Finnish, in which
each letter can be read in only one way.
Therefore it has never really occurred
to me that I could be unsure about the
words I read. The reasons why a certain
letter is read the way it is, can in
most cases be traced to the history of
the surrounding languages, all the way back
to the dawn of writing.


Language pair: English; German
Juha-Petri T.
March 1, 2005

# Msgs: 10
Latest: March 16, 2005
Re: a second language?
Please, Amanda, do not be so hard to Dwyn. Willingness to study foreign languages and concern for others are admirable traits, whatever the level of previous skills.

While English is not my mother tongue, I am still bold enough to mark my level "good" on every questionnaire landing on my desk, even though I find grammatical errors in my own postings afterwards.

I agree with you in the sense that if a person offers his tutelage to others, he is especially obliged to avoid errors in his own writing. What comes to other purposes, people might feel happier with several adequate or just passable languages rather than only one polished to shining perfection.


Language pair: English; German
Juha-Petri T.
February 17, 2005

# Msgs: 28
Latest: February 27, 2005
Re:a second language?
I think it is very hard to make a truly universal language, as there are so many different concepts and thinking patterns in the world. An universal language would be very large and hard to learn, unless somebody finds a really clever way to design it. It is a good idea that there are many different languages, as each of them is adapted to different way of thinking, and is small enough to be mastered. Together the languages cover a large spectrum of cultures.

There has been attempts to make an universal language; Esperanto and Novial are good examples. However, these languages are "universal" only in the Western world. A better universal language would consider at least African and Asian speakers, too.


Language pair: English; German
Juha-Petri T.
February 14, 2005

# Msgs: 28
Latest: February 27, 2005
Thank you !
Hi everybody,

I just wanted to say that I'm very happy about finding this site. It was by chance. I've got very nice new friends with the help of this exchange.
It's great ! Thank you !


Language pair: German; English
December 11, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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