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Language > French
Category > New Member

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Re:Hello Everyone!
Salut Diana,

Moi c'est Béatrice, française, but I'd like to improve my english, so if you want I'll be Ok to help you to improve your french, but in exchange, you'll help to improve my english.
So let me know...


Language pair: English; French
March 23, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: March 29, 2006
Looking for a French speaking person
Hello my name is Paulina and I am 18 years old. I speak English very fluently and I am in the process of learning French. I am willing to practice with anyone interested.

Salut! Je m'appelle Paulina et j'ai dix-huit ans. Je parle anglais et je est en train de apprendre francais. Je vuex pratiquer avec n'importe qui.

Language pair: English; French
Paulina J.
March 21, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:New to Language Exchange
Hello Tanya,

I am a french canadian, I would love to exchange either in French and English.
I am not so bad in English, but need to be more fluent.


Language pair: English; French
March 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Bonjour Julie!
Je m'appelle Rania et je suis Grecque.Est-que tu veux apprendre le Grec? Je suis aussi prete a pratiquer le français...

Language pair: French; Greek
March 7, 2006

# Msgs: 1

i want to improve my english!!
my name's Wael (17 years olf).I speak arabic,french and i would to leran english.I speak Arabic,french well and english poorly I
want to improve my English so I am looking for an interesting English person who wants to practice their French,arabic help me with my English .

Language pair: French; All
March 3, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 5, 2010
Re:to learn turkish
Salut caroline...
Je m'appelle serdar, jenice turkish speaking and your's language francais talk to me maybe... vocie chat and text chat add to messenger serdar_klc... or send me message... görüþürüz ;)

Language pair: French; All
serdar K.
February 28, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 26, 2008
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