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Language > Tibetan
Category > Making Friends

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Wanted Tibetan Language !!!
Hi, I'm very keen to learn tibet language and learning their culture. I'm finding for a person to be friends and who can teach me Tibetan Language. I can help you exchange with you English language and Chinese,Other language.

You can send me Hi's and a message on the same date, in Bulletin Board - Making Friends. I will find your message on the same date of Hi's you had send to me.

Looking forwards for your reply.


Language pair: English; Tibetan
August 27, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Wanted Tibetan Language !!!
Hi,Kunchock Dhondup. Do you wants to practise language with me? Can you send me a Hi's and a message on the same date in Bulletin Board-Making Friends? From there we can find ways to learn. How often you visits this website to do your learning? So I can reply to you.Thanks.

Tashi Delek.

Language pair: English; Tibetan
August 27, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:Anyone Knows Tibetan Language?
Hi, huh papa. I'm glad that you had reply to me. You can pratices with me in this website or send message to me winds.66 at hot mail dotcom. What you would like to learn in the starts? How often you online in this website to do your learning? You can talk to me by sending me a Hi's and a message on Bulletin Board - Making Friends on the same date. And I will reply to you by sending you a Hi's and a message on the same date on Bulletin Board - Making Friends too. You find my message by searching the date, the date is same as the Hi's date that I have send you. Hope you understand how to contact me. If you don't understands, let me know ok?

Looking forwards to for your reply.


Language pair: English; Tibetan
August 27, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Hello for all. My name is Hernan and I'd like to know people with who to share my ideas, thounghts, nowledges. I wanna learn Tibetan Language. I teach english for children too.The better for all you.

Language pair: English; Tibetan
Amido R.
January 9, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 10, 2009
Hi ! Wanting to learn Tibetan language...!
Hi there!

I would love to know that if anyone who knows Tibetan language or is a native from Tibet can teach me Tibetan language? I know English and Chinese(Mandarin) languages and can teach some basics in return... Also, would want to make friends who are from Tibet cos I like to travel there!

Btw, I am not a Gold member...just a regular member.

Language pair: Tibetan; Chinese, Mandarin
Wee Ling
October 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Tibetan learn!!
that's cool. i love tibet as well and now i choose to attend this community to learn some more of it. right now i just know very little, but once everyone started like this, right;)?

Language pair: Tibetan; 
francis s.
May 15, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 15, 2008
Looking for tibetan friends
Hello. American woman looking for Tibetan friends.

Language pair: Tibetan; 
April 30, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Tibetan learn!!
i live in china now, and i want to learn the Tibetan, just because i love the Tibet, love these snow montants....for one day i can travel more FREE in Tibet!!

unite Tibetan leaners!!
for the ²ØÎÄ

Language pair: Tibetan; 
za z.
March 28, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 15, 2008
tibetan and nepali people
who is interested in teaching the most beautyful languages? i can give: german, dutch and english. i need: someone close to buddhism who wants to exchange thoughts about religion, life and his holiness.
tashi delek

Language pair: Tibetan; Nepali
lissi g.
October 31, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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