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Language > Somali
Category > New Member

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i am new
i am sara, i speak dutch, english and somali. i can fully understand hindi and almost arabic. i would love to learn Mandarin. if there is someone out there, i'll try my best to teach u the languages i know. thank you.

Language pair: English; Somali
January 29, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 2, 2009
hi everyone iam somalian and iam looking for someone who can help me learning arabic

Language pair: Somali; Arabic, Egyptian
zainab g.
January 23, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Hi! My anative language is English and I am looking for somebody to help teach me Somali and in return I will help them learn English. I am a very friendly person and learns fast. Thank you!

Language pair: English; Somali
Breanna K.
November 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hi! My anative language is English and I am looking for somebody to help teach me Somali and in return I will help them learn English. I am a very friendly person and learns fast. Thank you!

Language pair: English; Somali
Breanna K.
November 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Iska Waran
Hello! I speak and can teach English. I would love to learn more Somali and Haitian Creole. I am only a regular member now, but hope to be a Gold Member soon. Please initiate communication with me. Mahadsanid! Tanisha

Language pair: Somali; Creole
October 11, 2008

# Msgs: 1

i wana learn ( French,italian and Spanish)
Hi,i would like to learn all or just one of thoes if possible,Not evreything maybe just main spoken Ex:(what's your name?
plez,anyone and i would like it soon.thanx

Language pair: English; Somali
Nadia A.
October 10, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:who is intersted to parctice somali or english
Initiate a conversation with me. i would love to learn somali!

Language pair: Somali; English
September 8, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 8, 2008
help i need somebody
hola como estan todos, soy gael de mexico y mi lengua natal es espanol, tambien tengo un buen nivel de ingles y me gustaria aprender mas idiomas, asi q cualquier persona que desee aprender espanol o ingles y ensenarme su idioma natal seria de mucha ayuda contacten a vhenthura11 en messenger

Language pair: Somali; English
Gael S.
August 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:who is intersted to parctice somali or english
i'm interested to learn somali so give me a shout

Language pair: Somali; English
Rosalinda L.
June 5, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 8, 2008
Hey everyone
Hi i am new to this site. I am originally from Italy but I have been living in the Uk for the past 10 years I can speak Italian and English fluently and I'm interested in corresponding with people who speak somali because I am very fascinated about the culture and the language as I find some similarities with my culture.

Language pair: Italian; Somali
halima stefania m.
June 2, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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