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Language > Slovak
Category > New Member

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Re:Ahoj, Ucim sa po Slovenski :)

I could help you...:) if you are still looking for someone...
I don't speak spanish at all but was thinking of learnig it...


Language pair: Spanish; Slovak
December 22, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 22, 2008
Re:Any Slovakian members here?
HI Mark,

still looking for someone to practise english with?


Language pair: English; Slovak
December 22, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 22, 2008
English, French, Slovak
Hi! I am Daniela. I am from Slovak republic. I would like to improve my English and French and I can also teach someone who is interested in Slovak. I am 15 years old and I study at secondery grammar school.

Language pair: English; Slovak
daniela c.
November 18, 2008

# Msgs: 1

English, French, Slovak
Hi! I am Daniela. I am from Slovak republic. I would like to improve my English and French and I can also teach someone who is interested in Slovak. I am 15 years old and I study at secondery grammar school.

Language pair: English; Slovak
daniela c.
November 18, 2008

# Msgs: 1

using different tenses in english..
Hi all, I am trying to improve my english, but I still feel I have a problems with using a different times (past tense, past perfect, present perfect etc..)Could I kindly ask somebody to explain me this topic?
I anybody interested in learnig Slovak, I am ready to help..

Thanks a lot,

Language pair: Slovak; English
Tomas V.
September 11, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Ahoj From Ausralia.
My name is kimberley and i am 24 years old, i live in australia and i have a slovak background (Dolne Obdkovce) I am looking for a penpal to help me learn the language of slovakia. In return i can help anyone learn fluent english. :) I hope to have a long term slovak penpal fiend. Bye for now, Talk soon. :)

Language pair: English; Slovak
Kimberley S.
July 26, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Spanish, Quechua and Slovak
Hi. My name is Fernando and I would like to contact people interested in learning Spanish or Quechua. I am from Bolivia. I will be visiting Bratislava soon and I would like to learn a few phrases

Language pair: Slovak; Spanish
Fernando G.
June 7, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Any Slovakian members here?
ahoj :)
i can help you with slovak language, just send me a message and we can start (:

Language pair: English; Slovak
June 3, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 22, 2008
Hello Dave,

that's so sweet you want to learn Slovak. I am from Kosice, did you like it when you were here? If you had any questions about Slovak grammar or vocabulary, send me an email. I am busy but i will answer.

Language pair: Slovak; English
April 27, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 27, 2008
Any Slovakian members here?
Ahoj, My name is Mike from England. I'm a new gold member interested in contacting a Slovakian person to help me with my basic Slovakian, which I'm learning. In return, I will help you improve your English.

Prajem pekny den


Language pair: English; Slovak
March 19, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 22, 2008
Total found: 25 !
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