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Language > Portuguese
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:Re:Re:Portuguese -Spanish/English
Hola, Grazi!Vivo en Argentina y quiero perfeccionar mi portugués. ¿Podrías ayudarme? Pregunta: Leí que "Saudações" se usa sólo cuando se encuentra a una persona. ¿Es así o también es usado para la despedida?

Language pair: Portuguese; Spanish
Paula P.
March 10, 2017

# Msgs: 5
Latest: March 10, 2017
New member - Looking for Native English speaking
Hello! I'm from Brazil and I am living in the United States a few months ago! I really need to learn and practice English! If you are a native English and are interested in learning Portuguese, I'm willing to help you!

Language pair: Portuguese; English
February 1, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Re:Portuguese native looking forward to help you with my language!
Hey Mia, eu sou brasileira, creio que consiga te ajudar.

Você está aprendendo português de Portugal ou do Brasil?

Não é que seja muito diferente, a maneira que falamos é diferente (sotaque or "accent") e algumas palavras e expressões também.

Enfim, sorry to write in Portuguese, I figured out since you are learning it, what is the best way to practice?

Let me know if and how I can help.
Abraços, Thais

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Thais V.
January 9, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 9, 2017
Portuguese native looking forward to help you with my language!
If you are learning Portuguese and want help from a native let me know!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Mia B.
January 7, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 9, 2017
Estou procurando colega para falar portuguese
Soy español y busco un compañero o compañera para poder hablar en portugués y así mejorar mi nivel. Además también puedo enseñar el español.

Portugués por español, tudo belezaaaaa

Language pair: Spanish; Portuguese
October 20, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Solicito personas que me ayuden con el portugues
Soy Colombiano Ingeniero deseo practicar mi pobre portugués con personas nativas de ese país (Brasil), y con gusto practicaremos el español.

Language pair: Portuguese; 
Carlos P.
October 6, 2016

# Msgs: 1

English / Portuguese (brazil)
Hello.. I want to develop my english, and I can teach portuguese.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
August 2, 2016

# Msgs: 1

I wanna learn English
Hey, I'm brazilian and want to improve my english. Does anyone here want to learn portuguese and teach me a little bit of english?

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Tuzza R.
July 28, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Por favor!!!!
Pessoa ajuda de vocês,eu e meu esposo estamos com muita dificuldade de aprender o inglês se tiver alguém que queria aprender português(Brasil)estamos a disposição.


Bárbara Maicá

Language pair: Portuguese; English
November 11, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Practice English / Portuguese
hi diogo. I would like to teach you English in exchange of you teaching me some Portuguese. quantos anos voce tem?

Language pair: Portuguese; English
leo d.
October 1, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 1, 2015
Total found: 166 !
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