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Cześć! Jak się masz?
Your message is quite old but I thought I should reply to your request (frankly speaking your message sounds a little bit desperate). If you still have problem feel free to ask, I will try to help you (somehow) :)

Language pair: Polish; Korean
July 24, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2011
Re:aprender polaco
Hola :) Soy Polaca y quiero aprender mas espanol. Podemos contactar por correo electronico y practicar idiomas.
Cześć. Jestem Polką i chciałabym poćwiczyć mój hiszpański. Mogę pouczyć cię polskiego wzamian za hiszpański.

Language pair: Polish; Spanish
February 14, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 14, 2010
Chcê mówiæ biegle po polsku. Ale teraz nie! Mogê uczyæ jêzkya Koreañskiego.
Chcê mówiæ biegle po polsku. Ale teraz nie!
Mogê uczyæ jêzkya Koreañskiego. Jestem z Korei.
Chcê uczyæ siê jêzkya polskiego.

Language pair: Polish; Korean
Tomek K.
January 25, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2011
Hello. I would like to learn Korean and to teach you Japanese.
I'm interested in Korean, especially KIMUCHI...

Language pair: Polish; Korean
•‰H Œ.
September 23, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 23, 2009
Re:been to or been in
I have been in London for six years. Although have been is not formal, The sentence would read London has been my home for six years, avoiding starting a sentence with I.

Language pair: English; Polish
Tricia M.
August 14, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 14, 2009
Re:been to or been in
You have been in London. You use been to when you have to that place but are no longer there. You would use been in when you are still in the place.

Language pair: English; Polish
Zuleika P.
August 11, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 14, 2009
aprender polaco
hola a todos soy de España estoy en Varsovia por un mes por ahora, me gustaria aprender Polaco, alguien con quien practicar, ablar por messenger,skype, o en persona, gracias de antemano. pa paaa,

Language pair: Polish; Spanish
Miguel B.
August 6, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 14, 2010
true friends
If you learn foreign language you probably have met so called "false friends". The words that seem to have different meaning than they actually do. But I have noticed that there are also words of another kind, I call them "true friends". For example: sport, radio and so on. In Polish they have the same spelling and pronunciation is very similar, too. So when you start learning Polish you probably don't know that you know a lot of "true friends". If you would like to look for them we may try together. Polish is easy. Polski jest ³atwy.

Language pair: English; Polish
Prokionis S.
August 5, 2009

# Msgs: 1

differences in perceiving of time in Polish and English
In Polish, we (basically) have only three tenses (czasy), whereas English language has a multitude. Is there any simple pattern while translating sentences from Polish to English and vice-versa? Who knows how to match them? Kto to wie?

Language pair: English; Polish
Prokionis S.
August 5, 2009

# Msgs: 1

been to or been in
Which is correct:
I have been in London for six years.
I have been to London for six years.
When can we use: been to ... and when we use been in...?

Language pair: English; Polish
Prokionis S.
August 5, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 14, 2009
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