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Language > Hindi
Category > Hobbies

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intercambio de idiomas
deseo aprender tamil o hindi ,
me parecen q son idiomas poco usuales,
talvez conocer alguna vez si se presenta la oportunidad
algunos lugares donde lo practiquen. Mi lengua natal
es el español y espero colaborar en todo
lo posible a aquellos que deseen hablarlo y escribirlo ...

juan sebastian

Language pair: Hindi; Tamil
juan sebastian
January 5, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hey from Germany
haloo jenny ,my name is onks, i am 31 male. i can deffinately teach you hindi .i am from india.the funiest thing is i am learning german and you know, i just love german language and german culture.if you can help me, i would be glad.
onks !

Language pair: Hindi; Spanish
onks b.
November 10, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 10, 2009
Hey from Germany
Hi, my name is jenny. i would like to learn hindi and spanish. i also have spanish in school but i want to practise it. i can also speak english and french. i can also help you to speak german.
contact me =)
Greets, Jenny

Language pair: Hindi; Spanish
November 9, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 10, 2009
I have posted my e address in some previous msgs..you can find my msgs by my name..and you can get the right address..
I am trying to send you msg at msn.it but it is failing..i dont know why..can you find some more idea to contact.
my other whereabouts are neilaabh at indiatimes. com

Language pair: English; Hindi
September 6, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 6, 2006
I have posted my e address in some previous msgs..you can find my msgs by my name..and you can get the right address..
I am trying to send you msg at msn.it but it is failing..i dont know why..can you find some more idea to contact.
my other whereabouts are neilaabh at indiatimes. com

Language pair: English; Hindi
September 6, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 6, 2006
hi layla,
i too tried to send email but failed, dont know why?
i am also a member of English learning English board of BBC site
you can find me there as neil. I have posted my gmail address there. you can try once agian on gmail.

Language pair: English; Hindi
September 6, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 6, 2006
Hello Neil,
I've tried to send an e-mail to you but the mail returned to me. I don't know why. The first part of my e-mail is laylindaco and you can find me on msn.it. If you want you can also find me on skype with the same name I have on this Bulettin.
See you soon,

Language pair: English; Hindi
blues ..
September 4, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 6, 2006
Hi lalyla,
I am a india based Journalist. I can teach you Hindi and want to practice English with you. find me at gmail and you will find me there as mrjanooji

Language pair: English; Hindi
August 31, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 6, 2006
Hi Mark,
it would be a pleasure for me to talk with you but my German is not very good so I cannot learn it to you. If you want we can talk in English...see you soon,
I changed my name from L. in laylablues, I think is better so!

Language pair: English; Hindi
blues ..
August 26, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 6, 2006
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