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Language > Esperanto
Category > Seeking Partners

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Seeking partners to practice Russian or Esperanto
I am 64 and have been working with English since I was 20. I also studied French, German, Russian, and a bunch of other languages. Regarding Russian, I studied at the Pushkin Institut in Moscow, where I spent a year. Therefore, I am most interest to practice Russian and, at the same time, help people interested in Portuguese or English.

Language pair: Portuguese; Esperanto
Assis S.
August 16, 2012

# Msgs: 1

English girl wanting to learn more of french!
Bonjour, Je m'appellle Sarah. Je quinze ans! J'aime francaise! Je dans francaise deux a lycee ( highschool?) I can help others with english as well! :) I am looking for someone that is a gold member so we can email! Boy or girl :) Thanks <3

Language pair: French; Esperanto
Sarah _.
February 9, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Wanted Tibetan Language!!!
Hi, Kunga Dorjee. I'm glad that you had reply to me. You can pratices with me in this website or send message to me winds.66 at hot mail dotcom. What you would like to learn in the starts? How often you're online in this website to do your learning? You can talk to me by sending me a Hi's and a message on Bulletin Board - Making Friends on the same date. And I will reply to you by sending you a Hi's and a message on the same date on Bulletin Board - Making Friends too. You find my message by searching the date, the date is same as the Hi's date that I have send you. Hope you understand how to contact me. If you don't understands, let me know ok?

Looking forwards to for your reply.


Language pair: Esperanto; Tibetan
October 7, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 7, 2010
please help me
hi everybody,
iam arabian girl and I'd like to practice english with native speaker for this language. I'm ready to help any one in arabic. Thanks Alot.

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Esperanto
deema k.
May 17, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Seeking for Esperanto / Polish partner
Hello, I would love to look for someone who is willing to help me in learning Esperanto & Polish. Also I would like to improve my English as well. Thank you very much. ;)

Language pair: Esperanto; Polish
May 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Salutations. :3
I am Michelle, 17 year-old from the States. I would LOVE to learn Esperanto from anyone while learning English from me. Or even Spanish!

I speak English and Spanish fluently.
Don't hesitate to send me a message. (E-mail on profile!)

Language pair: English; Esperanto
January 30, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Würde mich freuen, von euch zu hören!
Ich würde gerne Spanisch lernen, kann aber bisher nur einen Satz:Hola, yo me llama Christl, y vengo de Österreich. Außerdem möchte ich mein Englisch verbessern.

Lg Christl

Language pair: English; Esperanto
May 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

saluton amikoj
Saluton. Mia nomo estas Rikardo, kaj loĝas en Ŝanhajo, Ĉinio. Volas trovi amikojn cxi tie. Amike.

Language pair: Esperanto; All
Richard L.
March 24, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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