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Language > Dutch
Category > Study Abroad

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Re:Tandem Spanish/ English
Hey Sara ! I can help you with your English if you want... I speak currently Dutch, English and French because I need it for my work... I would love to learn Spanish !
Let me know if you're interested...

Language pair: Dutch; English
December 2, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 2, 2008
Ola Laura ! I want to learn Spanish, my English is almost "perfect"... I use it a lot for my work. If you need help, let me know !!
I would love to visit Argentinia too ;-)

Language pair: Dutch; English
December 2, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 2, 2008
Hey all!
Hallo daar!
Ik ben Üzeyir.Ik woon in Turkije.Ik zit in de 11e klas op een technische middelbare school.Mijn afdeling is computer programmering.Mijn grootste hobby is het leren van buitenlandse talen.Ik hou van Nederlands spreken maar ik denke dat mijn Nederlands niet goed.Ik kan Engels, een beetje Duits, Italiaans, Frans (spreken), Grieks, Welsh,Chinees,Nederlands en de beginselen van Spaans, en ik ben al een tijdje bezig met het leren van Arabisch
(msn) uzeyir_aus

Language pair: English; Dutch
Üzeyir A.
August 17, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hi, My name is Arie (F/23). Im not a gtold member, so please send me a message. I want to learn dutch, as a return, I will teach u Bahasa Indonesia. Also I want to practice German. Thanks

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); Dutch
Arie L.
August 16, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 19, 2010
Re:dutch courses face to face

I can help you with Dutch. I'm a native speaker.

Language pair: French; Dutch
Mike d.
April 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:I would like to get a new friend to practice English.
i wanna help you with your english =)
though i might not be an american or an english person.
My closest friends are from england and amerca so big chance that i can help you ;)
wel let me introduce myself,
I'm Mariska and im 18 years old and wel just like to help people with their english or any other language for that matter =)
wel let me know then oké
Mariska =)

Language pair: Dutch; English
Mariska V.
April 10, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 10, 2007
hallo ich will dutch lernen kannst du mir hilfen

Language pair: Turkish; Dutch
Ender B.
May 24, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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