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Language > English
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Aprender a hablar y escribir en español
Hola, mi nombre es Barbara, soy Alemana. Tengo 63 años. Ya tenía algunos cursos de español, en la escuela y en línea. Deseo mejorar entender y hablar español para comunicarse con la gente en otros países. Especialmente me gustó mucho viajar en estos países donde la gente habla español. Soy profesora de inglés así puedo ayudarte con inglés. Mi idioma de nativo es Alemán. Tengas un buen día Barbara

Language pair: German; English
Barbara F.
August 12, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Looking for french study partner
Hi, Hope you're all okay in different places in the world. I am a Filipina who's planning to move in Europe and practicing my French. I've been inspire to learn French because of a netflix series "Emily in Paris" hopefully I can find a study partner who can teach me French vocabularies.


Language pair: English; French
August 10, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Past Simple or Past Continuous
Hi good people, I need some insight related to a key answer to a question I found on the internet related to simple past and past continuous. The question goes like this:

She .... (very fast) and she ... (not see) the tree.

The blanks should be filled with the correct form of either the two tenses I mentioned above and the key answer is (She was running very fast and didn't see the tree)

I am a bit confused since, say we refer to the rule of parallelism, shouldn't it be (she was running very fast and was not seeing the tree.) or (she ran very fast and didn't see the tree.)?

Another question is: Last weekend Susan ... (walk) and ... (break) her leg.

The key answer is: (Last weekend Susan was walking and broke her leg.)

Could someone please help me with some explanation with these 2 questions? Thanks in advance.

Language pair: English; 
samuel k.
August 5, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 18, 2022
Trying to learn
Hello Everyone !

My name is Lalit and I am originally from Kyiv, Ukraine. I live and work in the United States. I'm a big fan of movies and tv shows (which is how a learned English initially).I am looking for someone to teach me basic Spanish and maybe share my language knowledge with. Looking forward to improving together :)

Language pair: English; Russian
July 17, 2022

# Msgs: 1

trying to help
Hello Everyone !

My name is Lalit and I am originally from Kyiv, Ukraine. I live and work in the United States. I'm a big fan of movies and tv shows (which is how a learned English initially).I am looking for someone to teach me basic Spanish and maybe share my language knowledge with. Looking forward to improving together :)

Language pair: English; Russian
July 17, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Trying to help
Hello Everyone !

My name is Lalit and I am originally from Kyiv, Ukraine. I live and work in the United States. I'm a big fan of movies and tv shows (which is how a learned English initially).I am looking for someone to teach me basic Spanish and maybe share my language knowledge with. Looking forward to improving together :)

Language pair: Ukrainian; English
July 17, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Learn Hindi

I am a journalist, writer, editor and translator and News presenter from New Delhi, India.
Anyone can contact me to learn Hindi. I can also teach you about Indian culture.
Regard s,

Language pair: Hindi; English
May 21, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Re:Translation help

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Leung B.
February 24, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 24, 2022
Translation help
Looking for translation in Mandarin Chinese for:
Cobalt blue glass

Thank you

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Shawna P.
January 26, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 24, 2022
Hey Charlotte! Both choni and bashi mean, how are you? However bashi is often used as, are you okay? I've also heard both of them be used following each other as in, Choni? Bashi? This is mostly used when someone got in trouble or in an accident. It shows that you're worried instead of just asking out of politeness. (I'm very bad at explaining, but i hope it helped)

Language pair: Kurdish; English
Sima K.
December 28, 2021

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 28, 2021
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