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Category > Hobbies

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Re:Hello Everyone!
je m'apelle veronique.j'ai 28 ans
j'habites en france et je peux t'aider a perfectionner ton francais contre l' anglais .

Language pair: English; French
veronique c.
February 16, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 24, 2006
Français & Español: voice chat

Bonjour! ¡Hola! Hejsan!

Dear Friends! I’m a young lad in my 30-s, optimistic and with sense of humor. If you are native FRENCH or SPANISH speakers and want to communicate live in voice chat, I’d be more than happy to make your acquaintance. In return I can offer you Russian & Swedish.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Let’s talk!

Language pair: French; Spanish
December 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Martial Arts
Oh that's what jujitsu is (also can't spell it). Have to say I'm fairly new to martial arts in general but then so is KFM. It was developped by Andy Norman and Justo (I can't remember his last name) with the idea that it would combine different ideas from different types of martial arts. Its supposedly similar to JKD, I don't know anything about it so I don't know if it is.
So yeah anyone who wants to talk about what they do ... feel free

Language pair: English; French
September 2, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Martial Arts
Martial Arts anyone? Just wondering if anyone does any wierd and wonderful variation (I was reading about some Brazilian ground fighting or something the other day) or just has anything interesting to say. I've been doing kickboxing for a year now with KFM, the same style of martial arts used in the Batman film that was released not so long ago.

Language pair: English; French
August 25, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Je me détends
Le samedi matin, je suis un cours de Tai Chi Chuan. Nous commençons toujours par du Qi Gong. Les plus curieux peuvent aussi prendre des cours d'épée ou de sabre. Cela détend, et maintient en forme mais aussi, comme les cours commencent tôt le matin, ma journée se termine tôt le samedi!

Every saturday moning, I practice Tai Chi Chuan. That begins with Qi Gong. Some can also train with sword and sabre. That relax and keep on top, but trainings start early the mornig, my sarurday is always ending early!

Language pair: French; English
March 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1


Hello/Bonjour a tous!!!

I'm very interested in studying genetics in the uni, but i've heard saying that there are already too many good scientists that these who gradute are probably sent to farms mixing special food for animals (genetically modified). But I'm not a farm-person and I'm not sure if i can find a suitable work in the future. I'd like to work in feritle clinics, hospitals, criminal laboratories. And P.S Is Australia in need for good scientists in genetics?

Language pair: English; French
January 20, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Mes activites preferees
Je prefere le yoga, danser et nager.
Ecrire a moi a propose de vous preferez.

(feel free to correct my French)

Language pair: French; English
Ann Marie M.
March 7, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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