名字 | 國家 (City) | ? 語 | 練習 語? | 描述 |
저는 한국에 살고 있는 스위스 사람이에요 :) 지금 서울에서 국제무역을 공부하고 있고, 한국어 더 잘하고 싶어서 같이 언어교환을 할 사람을 찾고 있어요. 요즘은 한국어 배우기 말고도 취미로 오스트리아 경제학이나 심리학에 대한 책을 많이 읽고 있고, 혼자 여행 가기, 테니스, 그리고 케이팝도 정말 좋아해요. 독일어와 영어를 가르칠 수 있으니 같이 공부하고 싶은 분은 꼭 메시지 보내주세요 ^^
こんにちは🙋🏼 ♂️
こんにちは, im Lolo,
24歳 のスイス人です
I really want to improve my Japanese because I live in Tokyo now.
My native languages are Swiss German,German and French I can also communicate in English but it's far away from Nativ Level.
I like Football, Floor.....
Soy suiza y mi lengua materna es el alemán suizo. También soy bilingüe en alemán y inglés. Trabajé en una editorial y me jubilé hace poco. He hecho un curso de español aquí en Basilea durante algunos años pero me falla la oportunidad de hablar españo.....
Mein Name ist Nicole und ich lebe in der Schweiz. Was meine Welt immer wieder schön macht, ist es meine geliebten Mangas zu lesen, K-Dramas anzuschauen, Musik die mich berührt zu hören und einfach nur für mich in meine Fantasie einzutauchen.
. ....
Hi my Name is Janine, I‘m 24, live in Switzerland and am currently a uni student. My first language is german, but I‘m also fluent in english as I‘ve lived in the US for a year. I also know basic french. Now I‘d love to learn spanish!
德語 |
波斯語(法爾西語,達里語,哈扎拉語) |
瑞士德語 |
阿塞拜疆語 |
Hallo..ich wohne seit Jahrzehnten in der Schweiz, aber meine Wurzeln liegen n Iran.
Ich spreche deutsche und Swissdeutsche Sprache in sehr gutem Niveau, sodass ich in der Lage bin diese wieterzugeben. Ich freue mich dich kennenzulernen. Ich bin Gold.....
Luzer n
Ig. Matrias 16 wörd mi freue wenn mer schribe chöntisch han leider kei Gold Account.
Hello I am Gabriel from Switzerland. I love 3d printing and engineering stuff. I want to learn Chinese Mandarin and I also want to know more about the Chinese Culture😀😀😀
Hi! My Name is Céline. I am mostly interested in Japanese, Korean, Finnish, and French.
I can help with German, Swiss-German, English, and Italian.
I love cats, books, and martial arts.
I am not a gold memeber!! ;P
I like traveling, seeing different landscapes, foreign cultures and food. I am learning Korean because I want to travel there. My Korean online class was good, but I need more practice now. I am still a beginner.
I can help you with German an.....
I was born in 1989. I live in the beautiful Emmental in Switzerland. My hobbies are fire brigade, Samaritan, my animals, nature, etc. I would like to learn Korean and English
Hello. I love animals, especaly dogs, cats and horses. I like reading and watching F1.
Greetings !
A linguist speaking 5 languages fluently including Portuguese (brazilian accent) and Spanish, I find myself having to work with Italy and need to improve my skills. It should not be a steep climb as between all other languages I should .....
Hallo! Ich lebe in der Schweiz und spreche Schweizerdeutsch und Hochdeutsch als Muttersprache. Seit acht Jahren lerne ich Englisch, daher kann ich mich auch gut in Englisch verständigen. Ich kann auch ein bisschen Französisch, aber bin darin noch nic.....
Hi all, finally updated this old-ass description riddled with mistakes. Most of my languages got quite a bit better over time so hit me up and let's practice so I don't get rusty, hehe.
I'm also learning Chinese (Mandarin) and Arabic.....
Hallo, ich heisse Céline.
Ich lerne Albanisch und würde gerne einen regelmässigen Austausch haben, um die Sprache schneller lernen zu können.
Hello! I'm Noah from Switzerland, looking for ways to learn, improve and practice my Japanese and learn more about japanese culture - partially in preparation for a visit to Japan me and my sister have planned! I am fluent in Swiss German, Germa.....
Hello everyone, I’m a biologist who just moved to Amsterdam. I’m looking for a Dutch, Spanish ir Vietnamese tandem. If you’re interested please let me know!
Hi Im Milia and I really like playing piano and watching anime. Im 14 and I also like making and eating desserts and I hope to find a friend who I can send letters to!!! :) I can speak german japanese english french and a bit italian.
Hi, I am Chris into surfing and outdoorsy stuff. Originally from Germany/Switzerl and and moved here to beautiful NZ a couple of weeks ago. I want to learn Portuguese to surprise my girlfriend :-)