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Language > Spanish
Category > Cooking and Recipes

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comida española
hi, i come from Spain, ¿do you like speak about the best food of worl?

Language pair: Spanish; English
September 4, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hawaiian chicken
does any one know hawaiian chicken or any dishes from hawaii

Language pair: English; Spanish
abbi s.
July 29, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 14, 2008
Re:Spanish recipes ^^
hola catell can help with any recipies u would like
4 cups self raising flour
1 teaspoon of salt
4 tablespoons of sugar
70 grams butter
2 cups of milk
combine all dry ingredients and rub butter into mix until sandy looking pour milk into mix and make smooth dough cut into 50 gram piices place close together and bake at 170 degres celcius
serve with jam and cream. good luck adam

Language pair: Spanish; English
July 26, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 26, 2007
Re:in search for food
hi for the eggrolls is very easy there is a package of ready made eggroll crust in the produce its organis has directions on the back also you can fill with just about anything you will need a fry dady or a deep fryer if you don't have when you roll the eggrolls just fill a pan with oil and make sure you get all sides brown then put on a paper plate or a plate with a napkin to get excess oil they cool fast . julie

Language pair: English; Spanish
July 9, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 9, 2007
Could anyone post a good rcipe for a paella? -
I would like to impress my friends, in exchange I am a really good Italian cook, let me know if you need anything :)

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
June 27, 2007

# Msgs: 1

in search for food
hi my name is Yolanda and I want to learn how to make EGGROLLS, AND ANYthing eles that is good mostly since I want to suprise my boyfriend for our anniversary. much thanks you can reach me at the following, just put FOOD in the subject.

reach me on HOTMAIL

Language pair: English; Spanish
Yolanda C.
June 26, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 9, 2007
Re:Looking for Spanish Recipes
What type of recipes do you want?
I'm spanish, maybel I can help you

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 19, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 19, 2007
Looking for Spanish Recipes
Hi! I am an American, I am looking for some good spanish recipes. If you could send me some, I would appreciate it! Thanks!

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 3, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 19, 2007
Re:Does Anyone know how to make Takoyaki?
Hello! Takoyaki! Yum...that's fried...octopus. Can I talk in Spanish for this? I need the practice... And if you don't understand my Spanish, I'll put it in English too! (Wait, never mind. That's too hard!)


1 cup flour
2 1/2 cup dashi soup
2 eggs
1/2 lb. boiled octopus chunks
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1/4 cup dried sakura ebi (red shrimp)
1/4 cup chopped pickled red ginger
*For topping: bonito flakes, aonori (green dried seaweed), worcestershire sauce or takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise
Mix flour, dashi soup, and eggs in a bowl to make batter. Thickness of the batter should be like potage soup. Put oil inside cups of a takoyaki grill pan. Pour batter in the cups to the full. Add chopped octopus, red ginger, and green onion in each hole. Grill takoyaki balls, turning with a pick. When takoyaki become rounds and brown, remove them from the pan and place in a plate. Put sauce and mayonnaise on takoyaki and sprinkle bonito flakes and aonori on the top.

Language pair: Spanish; English
January 14, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 14, 2007
Does Anyone know how to make Takoyaki?
Hi! Im from mexico and I really want to lear how to make takoyakis!!! does anyone knows how to?

Language pair: Spanish; English
Elizabeth B.
January 11, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 14, 2007
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