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Language > Portuguese
Category > Films/Movies

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Hi. Eu cai recemente no amor com um filme called Rio De Janeiro (City of God) and I've heard that there is another called City of Men (Cidade dos Homems). I wanted to know if anyone had a copy of the show that inspired Cidade dos Homems Por favor?

OH! Há algum filme português novo para fora? (this last line doesn't sound right to me... it's supposed to say are there any new portuguese movies out.)

Language pair: Portuguese; 
Johnna T.
November 18, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: December 20, 2008
Re:Good non-stupid horror/dark movies
Hi! I thought I was the only one that likes "the League of Extrodinary Gentlemen"!!!
I don't really like any of the newer horror movies that have come out, they are pretty lame.

Off subject: Are you trying to learn Brazilian Portuguese?
(please say yes)

Language pair: Portuguese; - Other -
Johnna T.
November 18, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 18, 2008
Good non-stupid horror/dark movies
Hi! I love vampire, werewolve, witchcraft and "all that jazz" movies, but not "stupid horror" movies, though suspense is great! So I like "Hannibal-like" movies, but not "The Ring-like" movies...

Is there someone who shares my interests? I'd like to know more good movies of this genre, cause most are just...a lot worse than the books they're made from.

I adore the "The League of Extraordinary Gentleman" and most comic books kind of character - love X-men :D

Contact me if you want to talk about this and learn other languages and cultures (my english is good and I understand french, german, spanish and italian quite well...)

I have msn and I can creat a skype =D

Language pair: Portuguese; English
November 2, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 18, 2008
Re:Re:I´m not a Gold Member.
I'm not a gold member either, i know englis and spanish, and i'll like to learn portuguese too. I'm neww at this.

Language pair: Finnish; Portuguese
October 17, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 17, 2008
Sa som i Himmelen
Hallo, I saw this film a while ago, it's swedish, it's a briliiant film, and I'd love to speak the language... people tell me it sounds a lot like norwegian and danish, so if anyone speaks one of those languages would be great to talk... I can help you with your english or your portuguese in return! thanks =D

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Adriene O.
September 13, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:I´m not a Gold Member.
hiii markus... i know what your message is old but i became member now...if you still interest i can teache you portuguese and you teache me finnish!!!

Language pair: Finnish; Portuguese
jéssica m.
September 2, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 17, 2008
avez-vous vu TROPA DE ELITE, un film brésilien sur la BOPE ? (police militaire)
C'est un film que j'ai trouvé très intéressant sur le monde des favelas et des narcotranfiquants, mais aussi sur les moyens controversés pour lutter contre ces fléaux !!!

Language pair: French; Portuguese
Pawnee T.
April 24, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I'm a big fan of fiction and sience fiction movies...lord of the ring is one of my favorite movies but I think you have to watch them in order...I first saw part two and I didn't understant too much,but when I saw part one I just felt under the spell:D...I'm Studing portuguese but I didn't got soo far ...i can't write yet...maibe with a lot of mistakes...but i hate horror movies...

Language pair: Portuguese; English
July 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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