Language Exchange in Somerset : Meet up for Conversation Exchange

Language Exchange in Somerset

Meet up for Conversation Exchange

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Language Exchange in Somerset

Meet up for Conversation Exchange

Find a Language exchange partner in Somerset for live conversation.

We provide free, helpful guidelines and tips on how to do a language exchange, as well as free lesson plans designed by an expert in language exchange learning. The activities are fun so you can easily "break the ice" with your new learning partner and get effective practice.

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Before Practicing

Before you begin practicing, please read the free guideline, How To Do A Language Exchange for hints on doing an effective language exchange.

Find Language Exchange Partners from Somerset

Here are 20 of our most recent Somerset members that could become your language exchange partner in Somerset.

Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name Country
Native Language Practicing Language Description

person Joseph
May 24, 2024
United States
Arabic, other
こんにちは! 私は一年間日本語を 独学で勉強しています。 私は日本 の文化、日本食、そして人々が大好き です。 会話できる日本人の友達を 探しています。 私はフランス語、 英語、アラビア語を流暢に話します。 私はアメリカのニュージャージー 州に住んでいます。 I have interest in expanding my Japanese conversational skills. I know a lot of vocabulary but need to speak and bet..... translate

person Jenna
January 12, 2024
United States
Hi, my name is Jenna Hyejin. I am 41 years old. I live in mid-New Jersey and I worked in the biotech industry. I want to improve my English skills. Also, I would like to make friends. If you'd like to be friends and exchange languages please ..... translate

person April
December 10, 2023
United States
Hello I'm in the process of a bit of Korean translate

person Grove
September 11, 2023
United States
Chinese, Taiwanese (Hokkien, Minnanhua)
I am very happy to meet you! My name is Grove. I live in New Jersey, USA. I am learning Japanese because I want to know more about your country’s culture. I want to brighten your life. I like cooking. I look forward to hearing from you. Chinese is my..... translate

person Sherry
March 2, 2023
United States
Hi! I have been learning Spanish for a long time but don't really have anyone to speak Spanish with on a regular basis, so I chicken out when I do get an opportunity to speak! I'm learning Spanish because I really enjoy the culture, the peo..... translate

person NATALY
February 24, 2022
United States

person Yvonne
February 25, 2020
United States
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi, I am Yvonne. I'd like to help someone who is learning Chinese, and maybe we can be long lasting friends. I am learning English and wish to have more chances to practice speaking. I love hiking,cooking,t ravelling and movies. Sometimes I may ..... translate

person Libbie
November 4, 2019
United States
Hey everyone! I'm currently learning German, and would like to have somebody to practice with. I'm a beginner, and still don't know much, but practice is the only way I'll really learn. I'm in high school, and I'm comple..... translate

person David
October 11, 2019
United States
I am Korean living in the U.S. I want to improve my English skills and also want to help anyone learn about Korean culture and language. translate

person Adam
January 7, 2019
United States
60+ years old computer programmer, living for almost 30 years in USA (east cost). Male. Like programming (my job), gardening, travel. translate

person Sandy
May 24, 2018
United States
Quisiera aprender este idioma, porque siempre he tenido un interes inmenso en el. He estado en Paris, lo practique un poco pero no suficiente. Lo he tenido de 'New Year's resolution' pero no ha funcionado. Viv o en USA, se ingles. translate

person Jerry
January 23, 2018
United States
Filipino (Tagalog)
Visiting and friends translate

person Daiana
January 22, 2018
United States
Hi ! I’m Daiana :) I’m trying to learn Korean because I would like to hopefully visit Korea very soon ! So I want to have an understanding atleast the basics before I go. And plus, a friend would be nice also :) translate

person jihye
July 20, 2017
United States
love and peace! translate

person Sarath
April 28, 2017
United States
Hi, I can read/write/speak Malayalam and English. I am looking to learn Spanish. translate

person Roberto
April 8, 2017
United States
Hello, I have been studying Spanish for 3 months and wish to become fluent. I love skiing and kayaking, and have taught these sports as well as Kundalini Yoga. I am very patient, and feel I would be a good chat partner to someone who wants to learn..... translate

person Ellie
November 7, 2016
United States
Hello, I am Ellie from south korea. I have stayed in Somerset, NJ due to work.I used to learn English in UK a few years ago.I am looking for new friends to talk. I also could help you by Korean. I will look forward to hearing from you soon! Bye~ translate

person James
May 17, 2015
United States
こんにちは! 私の名前はジェームスです! I'm 18 years old and I live in New Jersey, USA. I'm near the end of my senior year so I'll be going off to college this year. I've always been interested in Japanese and have been studying it for about 2 years..... translate

person Sarah
September 10, 2014
United States
I love learning new things! Especially languages and cultures! I like music, art, and makeing[?] new friends!!! translate

person Jennifer
April 24, 2014
United States
Hello~ everyone. I'd like to practice English. I have several years' touring experience in Korean. I am looking forward to hearing you. translate

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"Our level of knowledge has increased a lot. You made my dream come true."

- Juan Jos Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
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Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully." ..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up. Thank you for everything."

- John C., New York, United States

"It has been a great experience for me so far." ..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."

- United States

..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know.

- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.

..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup. Continuer votre beau travail."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada

"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the future as a teacher. Thanks."

- United States

..."finally something useful on the Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.

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