Truro Pen Pals (Pen Friends) : Email Exchange of Language and Cultures (Penpals)

Truro Pen Pals (Pen Friends)

Email Exchange of Language and Cultures (Penpals)

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Truro Pen Pals (Pen Friends)

Email Exchange of Language and Cultures (Penpals)

A language exchange with a pen pal from Truro is an excellent way to make a friend from Truro, learn about its culture and improve your foreign language skills.

This type of exchange is suitable for language learners of all skill levels, even beginners. Because you have a common goal to help each other learn while discussing common interests, you are likely to make meaningful friendships.

Compared to live conversation, there is less pressure, because you can take your time to use a dictionary or refer to your lessons at a time of your convenience. It is also a great way to improve your writing, reading and grammar skills.

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Letter-writing Tips Use free how-to guidelines provided by an expert in language exchange learning. Get the best learning experience from your penpal exchange!
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Find Truro Pen Pals Now

Here are 20 of our most recent Truro pen pals that could become your pen friends.

To view all registered Truro pen pals, please click here.
Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name Country
Native Language Practicing Language Description

person Helen
June 11, 2024
United Kingdom
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Helen et j'attend une class francais a Truro chaque semaine. Mais je voudrais aussi le possibilite de parler en francais avec un autre person, peut-etre face en face. Je peux aller a Falmouth, Redruth et Truro et Les ..... translate

person Claudia
April 25, 2024
United Kingdom
I am not a gold member, however, for the right language partner(s) I'm prepared to reconsider. I'm mainly interested in Greek language exchanges, ideally with fellow academics who want to study English (or German or Swedish) for academic pu..... translate

person Meissa
April 12, 2024
United Kingdom
Dw i'n Meissa. Dw i'n eisiau dysgu Cymraeg! In leu of my aspiration to study English Literature and Comparative Literature at university, I have decided it is likely best to get off my arse and start learning a second language. Instead of c..... translate

person Nige
March 6, 2024
United Kingdom
Hi, My name is Nige, I would like to improve my German and start to learn french and make some friends along the way :) in return I would gladly help with English. My interests are travel, history, hiking, keep fit and listening to music. hope to h..... translate

person Ian
February 25, 2024
United Kingdom
Pode me ajuda? consigo te ajudar? Chamo -me Ian. Sou Inglês (de pais irlandeses), tenho 55 anos, reformei há 3 anos devido de problemas de saúde (artrite severa) então comecei aprender Português como um passatempo novo. Eu era médico mas, como mu..... translate

person Karen
January 23, 2024
United Kingdom
I am a South African, living in Cornwall, UK, learning Spanish. translate

person Luc
September 9, 2023
United Kingdom
Hello, I'm Luc, I am currently learning Japanese in preparation for a holiday to Japan next year, I want to be able to speak using the native language and experience the native culture. I am new to language exchanges, I work a secondary school t..... translate

person Sid
May 26, 2023
United Kingdom
I am learning French as I want to live in France one day- maybe as early as next year 🤞. I enjoy playing and listening to music, walking, cycling nature and chilling out! translate

person Annie
May 4, 2023
United Kingdom
Hi, I#m an older lady wishing to keep my brain active by learning a language. As I have always loved the beautiful sounding French language, I am hoping to be able to learn to speak and understand some of it for myself. My interests are many and va..... translate

person Jan
March 7, 2023
United Kingdom
I am a retired businesswoman. I learnt spanish in Venezuela in the 80s while I was teaching EFL there. I have also been a Science Teacher during my working life. translate

person India
March 1, 2023
United Kingdom
Hi! Im really interested in South Korea and just started learning the language with online apps. I like funny tv shows and movies, sports like climbing and swimming, and traveling. I want to study and live in Korea when i am older. translate

person Morgan
January 28, 2023
United Kingdom
Hi! I'm Morgan! I'm a 16 year old, A level Spanish student from the UK! I really enjoy Spanish and am seeking a new friend to chat to! My favorite fandom is DC (specifically Batman) and my favorite show is 'Rick and Morty'! I also..... translate

person Chris
December 30, 2022
United Kingdom
Sono musicista e insegnante della musica dall'Inghilterra . Amo viagiarre, le lingue, il cibo, gli sport (sopratutto il calcio!) e la cultura. Parlo italiano da un anno e vorrei lo praticare con un vero/vera italiano/italian a! Naturalmente, mi pi..... translate

person Anna
March 23, 2022
United Kingdom
Hi im Anna,I am here to learn korean. I would love to visit South Korea one day, there are so many places I would like to see. I love to draw and listening to music translate

person Ella
September 12, 2021
United Kingdom
I would like to improve my spanish to guide me along my college course and i feel like this would be a great way! translate

person Harriet
August 4, 2021
United Kingdom
My name is Harriet and I live in a small town England and native language is English, I started learning Spanish when I was 9 years old and I started learning Czech when I was 12 years old. I am also interested in learning Korean and have a very basi..... translate

person Holly
June 14, 2021
United Kingdom
I am eager to learn French as I would love to speak more than one language. I also play violin and football. translate

person Gail
April 28, 2021
United Kingdom
I love nature and the outdoors, reading, writing and looking after my animals. Crocheting, arts and crafts and history. translate

person Manuel
December 6, 2020
United Kingdom
Hello!!! I am looking someone to practice and improve my English, also I can help you with your Spanish. Feel free to contact me and we can help each other. translate

person Gail-
November 5, 2020
United Kingdom
- Other -
- Other -
I love nature and the outside, all animals, but especially dogs and horses. I love reading a good book and learning. Also researching family history, especially Irish history. However My number one love is Van Halen translate

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"Our level of knowledge has increased a lot. You made my dream come true."

- Juan Jos Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
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The Basics
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Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully." ..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up. Thank you for everything."

- John C., New York, United States

"It has been a great experience for me so far." ..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."

- United States

..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know.

- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.

..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup. Continuer votre beau travail."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada

"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the future as a teacher. Thanks."

- United States

..."finally something useful on the Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.

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