San Sebastian Pen Pals (Pen Friends) : Email Exchange of Language and Cultures (Penpals)

San Sebastian Pen Pals (Pen Friends)

Email Exchange of Language and Cultures (Penpals)

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San Sebastian Pen Pals (Pen Friends)

Email Exchange of Language and Cultures (Penpals)

A language exchange with a pen pal from San Sebastian is an excellent way to make a friend from San Sebastian, learn about its culture and improve your foreign language skills.

This type of exchange is suitable for language learners of all skill levels, even beginners. Because you have a common goal to help each other learn while discussing common interests, you are likely to make meaningful friendships.

Compared to live conversation, there is less pressure, because you can take your time to use a dictionary or refer to your lessons at a time of your convenience. It is also a great way to improve your writing, reading and grammar skills.

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Find San Sebastian Pen Pals Now

Here are 20 of our most recent San Sebastian pen pals that could become your pen friends.

To view all registered San Sebastian pen pals, please click here.
Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name Country
Native Language Practicing Language Description

person Eneko
May 28, 2024
(San Sebastian)
Soy un español que está estudiando francés en la escuela oficial de idiomas de San Sebastián. Me gusta viajar, hablar con la gente, el surf. Hablo español e inglés, y tengo el nivel A2 de francés. Me gustaría practicar la conversación. translate

person Imanol
May 26, 2024
(San Sebastian)
Hello, I'm Imanol and I have the purpose to really improve my English this year. In exchange, I can help you with your Spanish or Basque. We have three daughters and we are busy,... so busy But I think I can,... It is at glogles dot es) I..... translate

person Alvaro
March 11, 2024
(San Sebastian)
- Other -
Spanish Guy in Letterkenny translate

person Marc
November 11, 2023
(San Sebastian)
I just moved to Spain and am looking for someone to practice my Spanish conversation skills. At the moment I'm still learning the basics, but I want to emphasize on listening and speaking. Before moving here I have lived in England for 5 years a..... translate

person Vi
September 27, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Hello, I would like to exchange languages,Englis h / Basque translate

person Olga
September 23, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Hi there! I would like to practice English and Spanish. I live in San Sebastian. My native language is Russian translate

person Ager
September 20, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Chinese, Mandarin
I like to learn new languages and I'm looking forward to meeting new friends. I would like to practice some English, improve Russian and start learning Chinese. I am passionate about traveling and I love listening to music, reading, sports translate

person Bakarne
September 20, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Hola, soy una mujer de 44 años. Me gusta la música, el deporte y sobre todo viajar. Estoy aprendiendo inglés (lo que me ayudaría mucho para animarme a dar un giro a mi vida) y a cambio puede ayudarte con tu español. Busco a gente honrada que pueda ll..... translate

person Virginia
July 28, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Mi nombre es Virginia y soy profesora de lengua en un colegio privado en el País Vasco. Estoy aprendiendo inglés en La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas principalmente para poder comunicarme cuando viajo. translate

person Maria
March 25, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Hola, mi nombre es María , vivo en San Sebastián y estoy buscando gente para hablar francés nivel básico Hago deporte y trabajo como stretching coach translate

person Xabi
February 19, 2023
(San Sebastian)
Hi, My name is Xabi. I speak Spanish, French and now I trying to learn English, I am looking for conversations in English and I can teach you Spanish or French. If you are interested you can send me a message. Regards, Xabi. translate

person Julen
January 30, 2023
(San Sebastian)
I am a 25 y/o spaniard who lives 20 km away from the french boarder. I am studying french at the language school (B1 level). I am willing to learn and improve so I can improve my chances to get a job. Soy un chico de 25 años que vive a 20 km de l..... translate

person L
January 27, 2023
(San Sebastian)
- Other -
Hii! I'm looking to emprove my english and talk with ppl around the world. Nice to meet you:) translate

person Rodolfo
December 6, 2022
(San Sebastian)
Hola. Quiero mejorar y practicar mi Aleman (actualmente un B2). Me gusta viajar, la literatura , la gastronomía , los deportes, la naturaleza. Y descubrir otras culturas. Busco amiga para practicar conversación alemán / español. translate

person Louis
December 4, 2022
(San Sebastian)
New in San Sebastian French native speaker -> aprende castellano translate

person Javi
April 11, 2022
(San Sebastian)
Hola, I'm from Spain living for half year in Denmark and would like to start practicing some Danish, I can help you to improve your Spanish translate

person Koldo
April 11, 2022
(san sebastian)
hola me llamo koldo y estoy interesado en aprender islandes, mis idiomas nativos son español y vasco, tambien hablo algo de ingles y no me importaria mejorarlo translate

person coffeelatte
March 28, 2022
(San Sebastian)
Hii! I'm a Spanish gal wanting to practice my english, learn a bit of basic Thai or Korean for traveling and make friends. Feel free to contact me:) I'm not a gold member translate

person Lala
February 24, 2022
(San Sebastian)
Hi there! i'm Lala, I´d love to find people to practice english or french, i got better level on this ones and also german or italian more basic level. I used to be a cook, i love learning languages, about people & culture and life experienc..... translate

person Maria
February 23, 2022
(San Sebastian)
Kaixo, Maria deitzen naiz eta ingeles irakaslea naiz. Horregatik ingelesa praktikatu nahi dut eta ordainetan euskera edo gaztelera irakatsi diezakezuet :) Hola, me llamo Maria. Estoy interesada en seguir practicando mi inglés, ya que soy filóloga ing..... translate

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"Our level of knowledge has increased a lot. You made my dream come true."

- Juan Jos Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
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Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully." ..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up. Thank you for everything."

- John C., New York, United States

"It has been a great experience for me so far." ..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."

- United States

..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know.

- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.

..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup. Continuer votre beau travail."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada

"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the future as a teacher. Thanks."

- United States

..."finally something useful on the Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.

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