Language Exchange in Namur : Meet up for Conversation Exchange

Language Exchange in Namur

Meet up for Conversation Exchange

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Language Exchange in Namur

Meet up for Conversation Exchange

Find a Language exchange partner in Namur for live conversation.

We provide free, helpful guidelines and tips on how to do a language exchange, as well as free lesson plans designed by an expert in language exchange learning. The activities are fun so you can easily "break the ice" with your new learning partner and get effective practice.

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Before Practicing

Before you begin practicing, please read the free guideline, How To Do A Language Exchange for hints on doing an effective language exchange.

Find Language Exchange Partners from Namur

Here are 20 of our most recent Namur members that could become your language exchange partner in Namur.

Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name Country
Native Language Practicing Language Description

person Jean
May 29, 2024
- Other -
- Other -
Jean-Jacques Lalieux , I francaisavecjean jacques, Belge, professeur en français-histoir e dans le secondaire, ayant suivi la formation en FLE, je propose des leçons actives basées sur le CECRL et liées à la vie quotidienne. Si intéressé, contacte-moi ..... translate

person Dipen
May 23, 2024
My name is Dipen. I am a robotics engineer and I am working at a company as a techno-commercia l engineer. I am interested in sports, travel, reading books, climbing, spirituality, running, cooking and many more...I am a native Hindi and Gujarati spea..... translate

person Emma
April 23, 2024
Hi, my name is Emma ! I would love to improve my czech level. I'm a really beginner. I spend two months in Prague, but I was speaking only in English when I was there. I fell in love with the czech culture <3 I'm passionate about mus..... translate

person Tony
February 6, 2024
Hey, I’m Tony, I am a french speaker belgian guy whos 18years old and i am here to learn turkish and italian with some nice people :) ! (i wrote this in english so I’ m pretty sure everybody will undestand ^^) translate

person Miel
January 25, 2024
Pushto (Pashto)
Hello ! I’m Miel, 24 year old cyclist working in a refugee camp in Belgium I spend my days with Afghan people and learnt basic Pashto words, I really want to learn much more I am half Belgian half British so I speak both languages since I was bor..... translate

person Tatum
December 29, 2023
Hello my name is Tatum Wilson and I moved to Namur, Belgium in November. I have a good conversational level in french but I would like to improve my french and hopefully find a language exchange partner that would want to meet up for a coffee sometim..... translate

person François
September 29, 2023
My name is François. I am a french-speaking Belgian, living in Namur. I am 56 years old. I have been living in the USA (New-England) for a school year (... in the seventies) as an exchange-student . I have been learning german for a few years now a..... translate

person Benjamin
May 22, 2023
Bonjour! Je suis un jeune bijoutier Belge et je viens vivre au Canada a partir du mois de novembre. Je viens dans le but de devenir bilingue où du moins améliorer mon anglais qui n’est pas terrible 🙂 Hello! I’m a young belgian jeweler and i’m com..... translate

person Pseudoc
May 14, 2023
M 39 for f translate

person Marc
February 17, 2023
Hi, My name is Marc. I come from Belgium Bonjour, Mon nom est Marc. Je suis belge J'ai 75 ans et je suis retraité. I would like to meet somebody to exchange and to improve my Italian. Je voudrais rencontrer quelqu'un pour des échanges..... translate

person Helen
November 9, 2022
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi , I'm Helen, a Chinese woman,live in Antwerp for 16 years, I can speak Chinese mandarin(mother language), English, Dutch, now learning French .I'm married to a Belgian , i have a teenager's daughter, I'm a housewife for the mo..... translate

person Louise
October 18, 2022
Salut je m'appelle Louise j'ai 14 ans et je parle nerlandais et je commence a parler englais j'aimerai m'ameliorer.j'ha bite en belgique translate

person Vinessa
September 28, 2022
Hi everyone I am starting Spanish lessons and would like to have someone to help me converse with. I can help with English without any problem. if ever we get along well, why not making friends. translate

person Eric
July 22, 2022
Paraguayan Guarani
Je ne parle pas le guarani, mon meilleurs ami va ce marié et vivre au Paraguay.Je compte mit rentre régulièrement. Etant témoin pour son mariage,j’aimera is leurs faire la surprise. translate

person Jean-François
July 21, 2022
Bonjour, Je m’appelle Jean-François, Je suis belge francophone avec un bon niveau d’anglais. Je suis infirmier. Je voyage régulièrement en Croatie et j’aimerais vraiment apprendre à mieux parler la langue, être capable de tenir une conversation. En ..... translate

person Charles
March 28, 2022
Hi There ! I'am 18 years old and I speak fluently French and Dutch. I'd like to improve my English and learn Spanish :-). translate

person Halyma
March 14, 2022
Hi all! I have recently moved from Auckland (NZ) to Namur and would really like to improve my French. I can help you improve your English in return :) translate

person Nina
February 9, 2022
J’aimerais m’améliorer en anglais en ayant une correspondante anglais ou américaine translate

person Kim
January 31, 2022
Bonjour😊 Je m’appelle Kim j’ai 26ans et je suis étudiante en ressources humaines (bac+3) , j’ai neerlandais comme cours, j’aimerais échanger un peu tous les jours avec une personne néerlandophone pour but de devenir bilingue. translate

person Abdullah
January 5, 2022
Arabic, other
Hi friends, je m'appelle Abdullah, viens du Soudan, j'aime bien apprendre des langues, rencontrer des nouvelles personnes et Découvrez les différentes cultures de quatre coins du suis ravi de discuter avec vous. translate

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"Our level of knowledge has increased a lot. You made my dream come true."

- Juan Jos Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
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Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully." ..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up. Thank you for everything."

- John C., New York, United States

"It has been a great experience for me so far." ..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."

- United States

..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know.

- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.

..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup. Continuer votre beau travail."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada

"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the future as a teacher. Thanks."

- United States

..."finally something useful on the Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.

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