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Simple sentences for beginner

by El Wardah

Hallo!/ Hai!
(hello!? Hi!)
Nama saya/ Namaku Ratni.
(my name is Ratni)
Saya akan mengajarkan kalian tentang grammar Bahasa Indonesia untuk pemula.
( I will teach you about Indonesia grammar for beginner).

Mari kita mulai!
(Let's begin!)

Subjek (Subject)
Saya/aku = I
Anda/kamu = You
Dia = He/she
Mereka= They
Kalian = You
Kita = we (you, she/he and me)
Kami = we ( me and she/he)

Hari ini saya akan menjelaskan penggunaan kata "akan"
(today, I will explain the usage of word "will")

Akan = will >> this is auxiliary verb
The pattern is
Subjek (Subject) + Akan (will) + Kata kerja (verb) + keterangan tempat (adverb of place)

Pergi/ berangkat = go >> verb
Ke= to

Nama-nama tempat
( Name of places)

Sekolah = school
Pasar = market
bank = bank
Rumah sakit = hospital
Bandara = airport
Restoran = restaurant
Tempat Kerja = work place

Saya akan = I will
Saya akan pergi= I will go
Saya akan pergi ke = I will to go to
Saya akan pergi ke sekolah = I will go to school.
Anda akan pergi ke Bank = You will go to the Bank.
Dia akan pergi ke Rumah sakit = She will go t the hospital.

Indonesian grammar is just like English grammar but In Bahasa Indonesia, sometimes we don't add double "to" which means "untuk" where in English if a verb meets a verb in a sentence, we have to add "to" to separate those verbs.
But in Bahasa Indonesia it will be different
For example:
Aku (I) akan (will) pergi (go) untuk (to) belajar (study) = I will go to study
Aku akan pergi belajar  = I will go to study
Those are correct.

Saya (I) akan (will) pergi (go) menemui (meet) dia (him/her) = I will go to meet him/her.

Itu saja untuk hari ini, sampai jumpa di materi berikutnya. Terima kasih :)

That's all for today, see you in next material. Thank you :)

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