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02-B: Nouns and Articles - Introduction (2)

by Marion Charlotte Oploh

Nouns and Articles  -  Introduction (2)

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It seems to be logical that

  • der Mann (man) is masculine,
  • die Frau (woman) is feminine,
  • das Kind (child) is neuter                   

But why is
  • der Loeffel  (spoon) masculine,
  • die Gabel     (fork) feminine and
  •  das Messer  (knife) neuter?              
Nobody knows ! These Nouns just follow the grammatical gender.

Here are some rules:


Male persons and animals:
  der Vater (father)- der Hund (dog)

Male professions:                der Arzt (Physician) - der Architekt (Architect) - der Handwerker (Craftsman) 

Months and weekdays:
       der Juli (July) - der Sonntag (Sunday)

Seasons, daytimes:
            der Sommer (summer) - der Abend (evening)

Weather, direction
:              der Regen (rain) - der Sueden (the south)


Female persons
:        die Mutter  (mother) - die Tochter (daughter) 

Female professions:   die Ă„rztin (Physician) - die Architektin (Architect) - die Lehrerin Teacher)

Many plants:
            die Rose (rose) - die Tulpe (tulip)  

Note There are some rules (more than are given here) to recognize the gender at the ending
 of a noun.  But this does not apply to all nouns .

Therefore, one should learn the nouns along with their definite articles !

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