Quizzes > Japanese > Beginner > Verbs Part 2by Can PangDear all, In the previous, we are going further into verbs. As mentioned in the lesson on Verbs, there are generally 2 types of verbs, transitive (他動詞/たどうし/ta-dou-shi) and intransitive verbs (自動詞/じどうし/ji-dou-shi). As many of you may know, transitive verbs take in a object and intransitive verbs don’t take in an object. The general structure is like this. Person wa Object o Verb E.g HKさん は いちご を たべます。 HK san wa Ichigo o tabemasu HK is going to eat/will eat strawberry ============================================ In this lesson, we are going to learn how to say the location where you do an action. The structure is like this. Person wa Place de Object o Verb E.g HKさん は うちで いちご を たべます。 HK san wa uchi de ichigo o tabemasu HK is going to eat/will eat strawberry at home. If you at a 「か」 at the back, it will become a question. E.g HKさん は うちで いちご を たべますか HK san wa uchi de ichigo o tabemasu ka Is HK is going to eat/will eat strawberry at home? 。。。はい、うちで たべます。 (hai, uchi de tabemasu/Yes, he is going to eat/will eat at home.) 。。。いいえ、うちで たべません。 (iie, uchi de tabemasen/No he is not going to/will not eat at home) ====================================== To make the verb become negative, change the 「ます/masu」 to 「ません/masen」。 E.g たべます (to eat) たべません(not to eat) のみます (to drink) のみません (not to drink) ====================================== To make the verb become past tense, change the 「ます/masu」 to 「ました/mashita」。 E.g たべます (to eat) たべました(ate) のみます (to drink) のみました (drank) ====================================== To make the verb become negative past tense, change the 「ます/masu」 to 「ませんでした/masen deshita」。 E.g たべます (to eat) たべませんでした(did not ate) のみます (to drink) のみませんでした (did not drink) ====================================== Try the following sentences and see if you can get the answers. ====================================== 1. Annie drank a coke at KFC 2. Sister (いもうと/imouto) ate lunch (ひるごはん) at home 3. Bryan did not buy chicken (チキン/chikin) at Macdonalds. He bought it at Long John Silvers 4. Hiroki wrote a letter (てがみ/tegami) in Shibuya. 5. Did Peter buy coffee at Starbucks? No, he didn’t.
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