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> Turkish
> Beginner >
by Orhan HOCA
ADJECTIVES-SIFATLAR In Turkish, as in English, adjectives go before nouns, describing their size, shape- colour, etc. (eg big -büyük, long-uzun) Büyük big masa table büyük bir masa a big table güzel beautiful kız girl güzel kız the beautiful girl güzel bir kız a beautiful girl Look carefully at these two sentences bu eski bir hastanedir this is an old hospital Bu hastane eskidir this hospital is old *As in English, in Turkish sentences it is possible for adjectives to come at the end.In the first sentence, bu is used as a demonstrative (as the subject of the sentence), and precedes the adjective *(eski) in the second sentence, bu is used as a determiner (answering the question, ''which?''-''which hospital?'' this hospital ), in which case it precedes the noun (hastane), and the adjective (eski) is placed atthe end of the sentance (with the be-sufix) As you can see above examples, “bir” comes between the adjective and noun (unlike English) look carefully at these sentances şu büyük bir parktır şu park büyüktür that is a big park that park is big bunlar yeni defterdir bu defterler yenidir these are new note-books these note-books are new *In turkish, when the demonstrative remains in thesingular (bu/şu/o) and itis the noun which takes Bunlar yeni defterdir, defter can be used without the plural suffix-ler.In english this is not so(notebooks with the plural s must be used) *Used adjectively, thne demonstrative remains in the singular (bu/şu/o) and it is the noun which takes the plural suffix.The demonstrative pronoun bu in the second sentence, with the noun defter used in the plural (defterler) bunlar ucuz televizyon mudur? are these cheap televisions? bunlar ucuz televizyon değildir these arent cheap televisions bu televizyonlar ucuzdur these televisions are cheap bu televizyonlar ucuz mudur? are these televisions cheap? bu televizyonlar ucuz değildir these televisions arent cheap
1. Bu ucuz bir sözlüktür This is a cheap dictionary Bu ucuz bir sözlük müdür? Evet, ucuzdur./hayır, değildir. Is this a cheap dictionary? Yes, it is/no, it isn't 2. Bu sözlük ucuzdur. This dictionary is cheap Bu sözlük ucuz mudur? Evet, ucuzdur./hayır, değildir Is this dictionary cheap? Yes, it is/no, it isnt
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