So lernst du Uyghur (Wighor) über einen Online Sprachaustausch : E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

So lernst du Uyghur (Wighor) über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

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So lernst du Uyghur (Wighor) über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
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Welche Art von Sprachaustausch?

Solltest du besser über E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat üben? Das hängt von deinem Uyghur (Wighor) und von deinen Lernzielen ab.

(Pen Pals)
Dies ist eine praktische Art und Weise, einen Sprachaustausch zu gestalten. Er ist für Lernende aller Kenntnisstufen geeignet. Du kannst dir Zeit nehmen, um Wörterbücher und andere Ressourcen zu benutzen, um so dein Schreiben oder deine Grammatik zu verbessern. Hier erhältst du Tips, wie du einen Sprachaustausch mit deinen Brieffreunden gestalten kannst.
Text Chat: Der Text Chat ist geeignet für mäßig bis weiter fortgeschrittene Lernende. Hier kannst du sehen, wer gerade im Text Chat ist.
Voice Chat: Diese Art wird fortgeschrittenen bzw. weit fortgeschrittenen Schülern empfohlen, die ihr Sprechen, ihre Aussprache und ihr Hörverständnis verbessern wollen. Mit dem simultanen Text Chat, der in den Voice Chat Räumen angeboten wird, kann man Vokabeln einfacher erklären. Hier erhältst du Zugang zum kostenlosen Voice Chat Programm in exzellenter Tonqualität.

Nuestros miembros hablantes de Uyghur (Wighor) más nuevos

Aquí están 20 de nuestros miembros hablantes de Uyghur (Wighor) más recientes. Ellos podrían ser sus compañeros.
Para ver todos los hablantes nativos de Uyghur (Wighor) registrados, por favor haga clic aquí
Haga clic sobre un nombre para obtener más información o para contactarse con el miembro.
Nombre País
que practica

person Zul
June 26, 2024
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
Hello, if you want to practice your Chinese Mandarin,anyway speaking, comperhension reading or your express ability in writing , you can contact me. But there some required, after all learning a language is an ongoing process. we must schedule a t..... translate

person Tilabu
May 9, 2024
Uyghur (Wighor)
汉语, 普通话
Hi, I'm Tilabu. I've been living in Japan for over 5 years, teaching English at a technical school. I'm looking for someone to practice Japanese with. I also speak English and Chinese, so we can switch languages accordingly. PS: I&#x27..... translate

person Azapay
May 7, 2024
(Washington DC)
Uyghur (Wighor)
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
阿拉伯语, 埃及
Ethnic Uyghur with native fluency in English and intermediate/adv anced Uyghur seeking to enhance Uyghur and Turkish language skills and learn Chinese and Arabic. translate

person Gulmira
March 21, 2024
Uyghur (Wighor)
汉语, 普通话
Hi, I'm looking for Native English speaker to improve my English skills and happy to help with your Mandarine. translate

person Yultuz
March 13, 2024
Uyghur (Wighor)
It's worldwide language. I speak and know grammar. In order to keep the level 9f my speaking high, I want to join translate

person Παναγιώτης
March 4, 2024
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
阿拉伯语, 其它
Goofy ahh mf translate

person Zoey
February 24, 2024
Uyghur (Wighor)
Finger spelling is the representation of the letters of a writing system, and sometimes numeral systems, using only the hands. These manual alphabets have often been used in deaf education and have subsequently been adopted as a distinct part of a nu..... translate

person Jeremiah
February 3, 2024
汉语, 其它
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
(…) translate

person Mosha
January 4, 2024
Uyghur (Wighor)
汉语, 普通话
I live in an old and beautiful city in Kyoto and studying medicine. I want to improve my Japanese and Chinese. I can speak English. I am looking forward to contacting you. translate

person Osman
December 9, 2023
Uyghur (Wighor)
No info. translate

person fahrden
November 28, 2023
(Den Haag)
Uyghur (Wighor)
汉语, 普通话
Hello! I've been living in the Netherlands for six years and am currently residing in The Hague. I am of Uyghur descent from China. My English proficiency is high, and I have intermediate-lev el proficiency in both Russian and Dutch. I am looking..... translate

person Jalilova
November 17, 2023
Uyghur (Wighor)
Hello everybody. My name is Ainura. I am from in Kazakhstan. I am married and I have two children’s. I work in French pharmaceutical company. I am study English language at the moment and I need a lot practice. translate

person Doğukan
September 23, 2023
Uyghur (Wighor)
It's nice to meet new people and learn new things. translate

person Greg
June 20, 2023
(Western Cape)
Uyghur (Wighor)
Ola! You will help me learn how to write and speak English fluently by talking with me frequently over the phone and in return I’ll reimburse your bank balance. (High Value people only). translate

person Neil
January 5, 2023
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
Hey guys, I would love to learn more language and more culture from all around the world! Of course wanna meet with new friends and travel together if there’s a chance! I’m a pianist and currently living in Germany! Best regards translate

person dincturk
September 1, 2022
Uyghur (Wighor)
Hi there, This is Dincturk hear and currently living and working in Kuwait.I'm a new member looking for friends to exchange learning English.I would like to improve my English skills, in return I could help you with Turkish. Pls feel free to con..... translate

person Dilare
August 31, 2022
Uyghur (Wighor)
I used to be an English teacher. After living in Germany for 10 years, it seems that my oral English is going backward. I hope I can find an enthusiastic English speaker to talk about all interesting themes. In Exchange I can teach you German, Chines..... translate

person Erxat
March 18, 2022
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
我叫erxat,来自中国新疆,是一 名维吾尔族。我学习了12年的中文, 能够像汉语母语者一样是使用汉语普通 话,同时也能熟练的使用自己的母语维 吾尔语(UYGURQA),我目前在 学习英语,希望能够熟练掌握英语,这 样就能在出国旅行时减少语言障碍。我 爱好广泛,体育方面喜欢足球,在期待 2022年的世界杯,最近一年学习了 乒乓球,不怎么喜欢篮球。喜欢看电影 (《勇敢的心》《死亡诗社》是最爱) ,看书(外国历史书为主),也比较喜 欢国际象棋,不过并不擅长。希望我们 能够成为好的语言朋友! translate

person a
January 5, 2022
Uyghur (Wighor)
阿拉伯语, 中东
我叫ali,母语是维吾尔语,想学阿 拉伯语,可以多多交流。 translate

person Ankar
December 14, 2021
汉语, 普通话
Uyghur (Wighor)
大家好!我叫艾尼克尔 我对各国的电影 电视剧 文化交流 学习窍门 生活日常感兴趣,希望能和大家聊聊 。 Hi!My name is Ankar, I’m interested in movies,series,va rious culture and tradition, I’d be glad to help if you are learning Chinese mandarin. translate

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Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
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Como lo muestra...
La revista Yahoo! Internet Life

Testimonios de los miembros
"Mi intercambio de idiomas está funcionando de maravillas." ..."Estamos más que contentos con el intercambio. Gracias por organizarlo todo. Gracias por todo."

- John C., Nueva York, Estados Unidos

"Ha sido una gran experiencia para mí hasta ahora." ..."éste es el sitio n°1 entre mis favoritos. Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."Usaré su sitio para practicar francés y se lo recomiendo a todos los que conozco.

- Katerina Vallianatos, profesora de inglés como segunda lengua, EE.UU.

..."Estuve buscando alrededor de un mes un sitio de este tipo sin encontrar ninguno que me gustara. Felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias. Continúen trabajando así."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canadá

"Recomiendo su sitio a mis profesores de español y a otros estudiantes.  ¡Creo que es una gran idea!"  ..."Lo usaré más en el futuro como profesor.  Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."al fin algo útil en Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, EE.UU.

Lea los testimonios completos


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