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Books/Literature - I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic - Language Exchange

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Discussion: I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic

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I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic
My first language is English and I want to learn Russian. Since I love sci-fi, I'm trying to read Roadside Picnic but some words in there I can't find in my English Russian dictionary. I can only comprehend some of it. If you speak Russian and have read this book, help would be appreciated.

Language pair: English; Russian

August 1, 2014

Re:I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic
Well, that's a tough book you choose to read to learn Russian, I'll give you that. :)
- Many fiction words
- Many words and phrases that are rather colloquial. Used for spoken language.
- Plot is not very clear and obvious

Many Russians don't get this book either.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 209011
August 8, 2014

Re:I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic
Read the book "New Lies for Old" by Anatoliy Golitsyn.
It will give you the first necessary info about Russia. And it offered in english.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 209011
November 11, 2014


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