So lernst du Filipino über einen Online Sprachaustausch : E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

So lernst du Filipino über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

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So lernst du Filipino über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
Suscríbase ahora - ¡agrege su perfil gratis!

Welche Art von Sprachaustausch?

Solltest du besser über E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat üben? Das hängt von deinem Filipino und von deinen Lernzielen ab.

(Pen Pals)
Dies ist eine praktische Art und Weise, einen Sprachaustausch zu gestalten. Er ist für Lernende aller Kenntnisstufen geeignet. Du kannst dir Zeit nehmen, um Wörterbücher und andere Ressourcen zu benutzen, um so dein Schreiben oder deine Grammatik zu verbessern. Hier erhältst du Tips, wie du einen Sprachaustausch mit deinen Brieffreunden gestalten kannst.
Text Chat: Der Text Chat ist geeignet für mäßig bis weiter fortgeschrittene Lernende. Hier kannst du sehen, wer gerade im Text Chat ist.
Voice Chat: Diese Art wird fortgeschrittenen bzw. weit fortgeschrittenen Schülern empfohlen, die ihr Sprechen, ihre Aussprache und ihr Hörverständnis verbessern wollen. Mit dem simultanen Text Chat, der in den Voice Chat Räumen angeboten wird, kann man Vokabeln einfacher erklären. Hier erhältst du Zugang zum kostenlosen Voice Chat Programm in exzellenter Tonqualität.

Nuestros miembros hablantes de Filipino más nuevos

Aquí están 20 de nuestros miembros hablantes de Filipino más recientes. Ellos podrían ser sus compañeros.
Para ver todos los hablantes nativos de Filipino registrados, por favor haga clic aquí
Haga clic sobre un nombre para obtener más información o para contactarse con el miembro.
Nombre País
que practica

person Rie
June 2, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
I am learning Japanese because I want to stay and live in Japan. I am in Japan now but the few lessons I have learned are not enough for me to fully understand what people are saying. I understand that it's not that easy, but getting is my ultim..... translate

person Mina
June 2, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
Hi! Mina here from the Philippines. I am trying to practice and improve my English, so anyone who is interested for a language exchange? translate

person Lois
June 2, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicing German, Spanish and English translate

person Rosemarie
June 2, 2024
(Cavite City)
Filipino (Tagalog)
I am a Filipina interested in learning different language and hopefully i could also teach others whos interested in learning tagalog translate

person Aubrey Lyn
June 2, 2024
(South Australia)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Hello! My name is Aubrey Lyn. I am looking for a someone who can help me practicing my language which is Spanish and Korean (starting to using some apps). translate

person Elle
June 2, 2024
Chinese, Cantonese
Chinese, Mandarin
Filipino (Tagalog)
Hiyaa!! Im Dannielle, Im currently living in Macau, Im very interested in learning languages and different cultures, happy to help if u wanna learn cantonese or mandarin :)) translate

person Mari
June 2, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
- Other -
Chinese, Mandarin
I love watching foreign movies, i would love to learn their language so that i won't be needing any subtitles. I can help you improve your English conversation skills by conversing with you. I love watching movies, dramas,music, arts, reading an..... translate

person Alexander
June 1, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
Testing. Just the systems' today' only. Please ignore me. translate

person Paul
June 1, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
My interests are watching movies, music, playing guitar, piano, and drums. I am really good at english and I am learning 日本語 because I want to have japanese friends and I want to teach them english. I am not a gold member but you can add me :) translate

person Jane
June 1, 2024
(Quezon City)
Filipino (Tagalog)
I am currently attending online German Language Training in preparation for job in Germany. However, I'm still having difficulties when talking in German. Can you please help me? translate

person Joan Eleanor
June 1, 2024
(Urdaneta City)
Filipino (Tagalog)
I'm from the Philippines. I speak English and Filipino. I'm looking for friends and a possible language exchange partner. I would like to learn Korean or Spanish. It doesn't matter how old you are as long as we can exchange languages ..... translate

person Che
June 1, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
こんにちは。I'm currently working in Japan for quiet a while and loving the culture and the people here and most especially the foods. I can communicate in Japanese but not that fluent. So if there's anyone who wants to be my japanese/english cha..... translate

person Ms. A
June 1, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
- Other -
hi im ayah, im from Philippines.i have a huge interest in foreign languages. im learning it through apple apps,podcast and interested to learn korean more, french, spanish,japanese ,chinese and german too.i can speak english and basic korea..... translate

person Catherine
June 1, 2024
United States
(San Jose)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Chinese, Mandarin
I am Chinese but did not learn Chinese after 3rd grade in the Philippines, then went to Guam (stopped learning Chinese). I am now in San Jose and am semi retired. I want to now learn my native language. My family speaks Mandarin, Cantonese and Fuk..... translate

person Athena
May 31, 2024
(Davao City)
Filipino (Tagalog)
My name is Athena and I'm currently practicing my Japanese but I can only speak a little, I am also looking for a friend, I can teach you my native language and English if you'd like! translate

person Nami
May 31, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
Hi! I would like to meet people who can help me improve my Japanese and German skills. I'm currently preparing for JLPT N4 and completing my A1 lessons in German. I will go back to studying Korean this year. My goal is to speak in Japanese re..... translate

person LM
May 31, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
I’m looking for someone who’s I can practice/convers e in English. translate

person Rene
May 30, 2024
Filipino (Tagalog)
I want to learn english language translate

person Jet
May 30, 2024
United States
(Walnut Creek)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Chinese, other
I would like to learn Asian cultures. I am not a language teacher but I speak english and also Tagalog well. I will try my best to help. I live in California and I work as an office manager for a CPA firm. Feel free to email me or just to say Hello..... translate

person Marlo
May 29, 2024
(General Luna)
Filipino (Tagalog)
I live in an island where lots of tourists come. I work as a surf instructor, musician, tour guide, etc. and because I can speak conversational French which has the same origin as Spanish, I am now looking forward to be able to converse in Spanish. L..... translate

Haga clic aquí para ver todos los miembros hablantes de Filipino.
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Zurück zu Filipino lernen Home

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
Suscríbase ahora - ¡agrege su perfil gratis!

Como lo muestra...
La revista Yahoo! Internet Life

Testimonios de los miembros
"Mi intercambio de idiomas está funcionando de maravillas." ..."Estamos más que contentos con el intercambio. Gracias por organizarlo todo. Gracias por todo."

- John C., Nueva York, Estados Unidos

"Ha sido una gran experiencia para mí hasta ahora." ..."éste es el sitio n°1 entre mis favoritos. Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."Usaré su sitio para practicar francés y se lo recomiendo a todos los que conozco.

- Katerina Vallianatos, profesora de inglés como segunda lengua, EE.UU.

..."Estuve buscando alrededor de un mes un sitio de este tipo sin encontrar ninguno que me gustara. Felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias. Continúen trabajando así."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canadá

"Recomiendo su sitio a mis profesores de español y a otros estudiantes.  ¡Creo que es una gran idea!"  ..."Lo usaré más en el futuro como profesor.  Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."al fin algo útil en Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, EE.UU.

Lea los testimonios completos


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