So lernst du Kambodschanisch (Khmer) über einen Online Sprachaustausch : E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

So lernst du Kambodschanisch (Khmer) über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

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So lernst du Kambodschanisch (Khmer) über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
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Welche Art von Sprachaustausch?

Solltest du besser über E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat üben? Das hängt von deinem Kambodschanisch (Khmer) und von deinen Lernzielen ab.

(Pen Pals)
Dies ist eine praktische Art und Weise, einen Sprachaustausch zu gestalten. Er ist für Lernende aller Kenntnisstufen geeignet. Du kannst dir Zeit nehmen, um Wörterbücher und andere Ressourcen zu benutzen, um so dein Schreiben oder deine Grammatik zu verbessern. Hier erhältst du Tips, wie du einen Sprachaustausch mit deinen Brieffreunden gestalten kannst.
Text Chat: Der Text Chat ist geeignet für mäßig bis weiter fortgeschrittene Lernende. Hier kannst du sehen, wer gerade im Text Chat ist.
Voice Chat: Diese Art wird fortgeschrittenen bzw. weit fortgeschrittenen Schülern empfohlen, die ihr Sprechen, ihre Aussprache und ihr Hörverständnis verbessern wollen. Mit dem simultanen Text Chat, der in den Voice Chat Räumen angeboten wird, kann man Vokabeln einfacher erklären. Hier erhältst du Zugang zum kostenlosen Voice Chat Programm in exzellenter Tonqualität.

Nuestros miembros hablantes de Kambodschanisch (Khmer) más nuevos

Aquí están 20 de nuestros miembros hablantes de Kambodschanisch (Khmer) más recientes. Ellos podrían ser sus compañeros.
Para ver todos los hablantes nativos de Kambodschanisch (Khmer) registrados, por favor haga clic aquí
Haga clic sobre un nombre para obtener más información o para contactarse con el miembro.
Nombre País
que practica

person Solène Belle
May 31, 2024
Cambodian (Khmer)
I look for the net friend to learn the language together translate

person An
May 30, 2024
(Phnom Penm)
Cambodian (Khmer)
I want to improve my English. translate

person Kim
May 28, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Hi, my name is Niredey, born and raised in Cambodia. I like cycling for fun. And for developing my brain function I like to study languages. I'm self learning german language for a while. I love how it sound. I'm also curious to know more a..... translate

person Jane
May 24, 2024
(Phnom penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
It's a new experience of me to use this website. I would like to learn languages through this website, since I couldn't keep up from learning them by myself. I really hope that you guys can help me with these☺️. translate

person Peter
May 19, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
ok translate

person Mie
May 15, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Hello :), I'm Mie. Nice to meet you. My problem is I learn French for almost 2 years, but still can't know it well, hmm. Haha, how silly am I? So here me now, want to meet new friends and also improve my French language. I am a bit talkativ..... translate

person James
May 5, 2024
(Phom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Hi, I'm Vichet. Beside my native language (Khmer), I can speak some Vietnamese and a little bit of English. My English is dumb because I don't go to school, but I learn by watching Moives, English videos, listening to podcasts, and listenin..... translate

person chanra
May 3, 2024
(phnom penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Hi, i want to practice English and learn Japanese, Korean and Thai. i can help whoever want to practice Khmer. translate

person Andrew
April 18, 2024
South Korea
Chinese, Mandarin
Cambodian (Khmer)
Hi - I live in San Francisco, California working at a large tech firm and I'm trying to become fluent in Korean for fun! I like hiking in the mountains, reading, and traveling. 이제 서울에 한국어학교에서 배우고 있습니다. 한국어를 많이 배우지만 저는 더 얀습해야 합니다. 저는 영어도 중국어도 ..... translate

person Steven
April 7, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
Hi I'm a new user here. I am willing to practice Chinese and Thai at all time. In stead of practicing these two language, I can also teach you back on how to speak English and Khmer if you need it. translate

person sopheara
April 5, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Hi, I am Sopheara from Cambodia and i am presently living in Indonesia. I am really interested in learning bahasa indonesia because it is difficult for me to communicate with local people here using bahasa Inggris. I really want to improve this lang..... translate

person Seng
March 30, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Suor Sdey! Hello! I am cambodian 20+ years old and want to practice french language, i know some basics but i want to improve to the next level that i can practice conversation fluently. If you speak french and want to practice Khmer, i can help :D ..... translate

person Seng
March 30, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
- Other -
- Other -
- Other -
Hello! Sure-sdey! I am Cambodian and my native language is Khmer. Please send me a message if you are interested in language exchange, because i am not a gold member. I would like to practice French. I am in between beginner & intermediate level,..... translate

person Andrew
March 21, 2024
South Korea
Cambodian (Khmer)
Hi, my names Andrew! I’m a traveling nomad that enjoys meeting and talking with people. I just moved over to Suwon and will be here until June looking to make some friends and we can help learn each other’s languages at the same time! translate

person Maria
March 8, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
I like listening to the music and watching movie. I am learning the languages because I love learning and language. I am not a gold member so I can't email you from this site. You can give me your contact info and I'll contact you. translate

person James
March 1, 2024
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
Hello, My name is James, and i wanna learn about other cultures and languages and make lots of friends! I lived and worked in Cambodia for a long time but now moved back to Melbourne. Hope to talk with you soon! translate

person Jason
February 28, 2024
Cambodian (Khmer)
on peut échanger la langue... j'ai besoin qqun de m'enseigne la langue thaiiiiiiii;;; sawandee kapppp, et si t'as besoin de qqun parle français avec toi je peux t'aider ;))) translate

person Mitchelle
February 17, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
Chinese, Mandarin
Hello! I’m 15 years old and I want to learn Japanese. I have been learning Chinese for 5 years now. I like to watch movies, anime, read mangas and books. I also like to exercise, meditate and listen to music. translate

person Senghort
February 17, 2024
United States
Cambodian (Khmer)
The purpose that I join in this website is because I want to find other people to exchange the English language. translate

person Kahapana
February 17, 2024
(Phnom Penh)
Cambodian (Khmer)
I'm a student 19 yrs old, looking forward to make friends. I love exploring the intersection of creativity. My goal here is to connect with like-minded individuals, share knowledge, and learn from all of you. Looking forward to engaging in meani..... translate

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Zurück zu Kambodschanisch (Khmer) lernen Home

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
Suscríbase ahora - ¡agrege su perfil gratis!

Como lo muestra...
La revista Yahoo! Internet Life

Testimonios de los miembros
"Mi intercambio de idiomas está funcionando de maravillas." ..."Estamos más que contentos con el intercambio. Gracias por organizarlo todo. Gracias por todo."

- John C., Nueva York, Estados Unidos

"Ha sido una gran experiencia para mí hasta ahora." ..."éste es el sitio n°1 entre mis favoritos. Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."Usaré su sitio para practicar francés y se lo recomiendo a todos los que conozco.

- Katerina Vallianatos, profesora de inglés como segunda lengua, EE.UU.

..."Estuve buscando alrededor de un mes un sitio de este tipo sin encontrar ninguno que me gustara. Felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias. Continúen trabajando así."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canadá

"Recomiendo su sitio a mis profesores de español y a otros estudiantes.  ¡Creo que es una gran idea!"  ..."Lo usaré más en el futuro como profesor.  Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."al fin algo útil en Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, EE.UU.

Lea los testimonios completos


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